Part 2: Chapter 10

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Tris POV:

 After about an hour of mostly being carried by Ryan and Christina, I can feel the throbbing in my foot slowly come to a stop. 

"It's a Miracle! The throbbing stopped." I tell Ryan and Christina. The man leading us to Atlanta must have heard me, because he spins his hand around in the air. Suddenly, all of the soldiers around us stop. All of us stop too, because we don't really know what is going on. 

"Check the girl." The man points to me. "And that guy over there." He points to Four. 

The same soldier that helped me earlier comes over to me and points to the ground. I assume he wants me to sit on the ground, so Ryan and Christina set me on the ground. The soldier points at my backpack once I am on the ground. I slide it off my shoulders and hand it to him. He unzips it and hands me my shoe with the bullet hole in it. Then, he presses a button and the rap around my foot turns back to clear. He takes the rap off and looks at my foot. "Well you had it on long enough to take wound away, but you still have the scar. Do you still want it on?" 

"Um no. Scars show me what I have been through. They remind me that I am not immortal. On top of that, this dumb machine is a pain in the butt to carry." I tell the soldier. 

"A girl after my own heart. Never ever forget the thing about the scars." He smiles as he picks up the backpack and walks off.

I slide on my shoe and pull myself up. I see that Tobias got his rap off at well. He looks up and walks over to me.  "That dumb rap." He says. 

I nod my head yes. "I agree. Will you have the scar too?" I ask Tobias. 

"Yep. I don't care though. It is just a scar." Tobias says. I nod and take his hand. 

I see the man circle his arm again and all the soldiers begin to move once more. We all go with them. They didn't give us a choice. 

----Page Break----

It has been a full twelve hours of fast pace walking, My group stayed close together the whole time just in case we needed to get away. 

I see the man hold his arm up to signal for us to stop walking. "Here is the deal." He yells. "You have five hours to rest. You will not leave. We will be at the rally point in a day. The rally point has trucks that will put us on Atlanta's door step two hours after that. I have a list of names that are important to the infiltration of the Republic Capital. You will not know the names until the time comes for the war. If you are one of these people, chances are that you already know. My soldiers will take turns keeping guard. get rest." He walks away and regroups with all of his soldiers. 

"We are sleeping on the ground now?" Christina asks. 

"Not unless you still have a mat to sleep on." Ryan says. Some of us were able to grab sleeping mats when we left the warehouse. 

"I left mine back when these people first came around." Christina points to the soldiers. I don't have anything either. It is mostly at the warehouse, or at our camp when the soldiers first came. 

"Most of us don't have anything." Brecken says. 

"Yeah, I'm just thankful I have a foot still." Tobias smiles. "On a serious side, what are we going to do about weapons. Before we left, the soldiers took all of out weapons. 

"Well, we have to rely on whatever we have on us. A true rebel always has a concealed weapon somewhere." Brecken whispers, so the soldiers don't hear. 

We all nod and find a place on the ground that has enough grass to be comfortable. I decide that I want to go with Tobias. 

Tobias searches the patchy ground for a piece of ground with grass. When he finds one he looks up at me. "Will this work?" 

"Yeah. I'm so tired it wouldn't even matter if I slept on a rock or something." I grin. Tobias returns the smile and lays down on the grass. He uses arm for a make-shift pillow. I lay down next to him and lay my head on his chest. I place mt arm over his stomach. 

Tobias brings his free arm onto my back. He rubs soft circles onto it, I don't know how long he continues, because I am asleep in a record amount of time. 

Tobias POV: 

Five hours may seem like a nice amount of time to sleep. It was about the amout of sleep when I was in Dauntless. The only problem is that I was not walking for twelve hours at a time. I know these soldiers are just trying to get us to Atlanta on time, but this is got a little extreme, 

The man that has no name, comes over and claps next to my ear to wake me up after the five hours. That is nice of him. My own little annoying alarm clock, I jolt awake, causing Tris to wake up as well. 

"Time to get up." The man grunts. I watch him walk away. 

"How nice of him." Tris says sarcastically as she gets up. 

"I know right." I respond. Once Tris is up, I pull myself up. I look around to see that slowly all the rebels in my camp are slowly starting to get up.  "Looks like they are going ta walk us to death." I mumble. 

"Tobias, how else do you expect us to get there, It is not like we can fly." Tris says. 

"There was a story one time that Ryan told me about how back when this used to be the United States. Apparently, there used to be these things called planes and they would fly people around." I smile. It is fun to see Tris think complex things through. I watch her face process this as she comes up with something to say. 

"Are you saying that you would actually go in something like that?" She asks me, 

"Um no. Absolutely not." I say. I am terrified of heights. It is one of the few fears that I have. I run all of the things having to do with heights through my head. It causes me to shiver. 

Tris lets out a small laugh. Right after she is done laughing, the man lets out a whistle in order to order us to resume walking. 

"I'm going to pass out on the way there," I can hear a few of the rebels around me complain. I don't know why they joined if all they were going to do is complain about all of this. It is the only option that we have. 

I look at Tris."The good news about all of this is that this will be over soon. We will be able to actually live our life." She nods and looks forward. 

I hate to say it, but I have no clue if we will survive this war. It feels like I am marching into my death. I don't want to die. Tris needs me, and I need Tris. I also don't have a choice, because there might be other people out there trapped in the walls of a city, just like I was at one point. The only way to help them is to stop the capital. 


I know this is a terrible and choppy chapter. I needed to put it in there in order to bridge the gap between the time left until the battle, and the battle. I will update ASAP. 

Next chapter the Republic/ Rebel war begins. Sorry for not updating. Things have got really crazy. I also started a new fanfic, so I had to put a few updates into that in order to get it going. 

There shouldn't be more than three chapters left for this fanfic. 


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