Part 2: Chapter 6

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Brecken POV:

"You and Uriah can come with me." One of the warehouse rebels tells Ryan. I turn to Zeke, who apparently is important to our little group. 

"Where are you taking them?" I ask, just so I know where they are in case I need to get them out in an emergency. They are priority one for the rebels, and I was put in charge of keeping them alive. These kids are the face of this whole thing, and they have to stay alive. 

"We are taking them to the medical room, in the far corner of the warehouse. You can come to, but I need to talk to you first." Zeke explains. "We stole some special healing technology from The Republic in a recent raid, but I'll show you those in a minute. Follow me."

"Where?" I ask. I don't want to be nosy, but I have no choice but to be cautious. I have orders from The Rebel President that include taking down The Republic.

Zeke doesn't answer, and her turns around and starts walking away. I follow him, because I don't have much of a choice. We push past the crowds of rebels. We come up on a small room in the corner in the warehouse. "This is where I stay. I'm the leader of this group, so they gave me this old office." Zeke says as he pushes open the door.

I walk into the dark cold room and try to make out anything. I hear Zeke fumble in his pocket, then the scraping of a match to get it lit. I see the small match and Zeke tosses into a barrel in the center of the small room, causing it to light up immediately. Zeke turns to me and I can see the shadows on his face. "The rebel leader told me to give you this. I wasn't allowed to read it. It came in a few days ago, in one piece of mail for me." He hands me a folded sheet of paper.

I unfold the paper and sit on one of the chairs in the room.


We are going to put priority one into action as soon as you get this. I knew you would find Zeke eventually, and I have kept him safe until you do. He is from inside the city and that is your area. We found him as he just escaped the city with his life. Send mail to me when you get this and to all the  rebel camps in the area. When I get the mail we will send mail to the rest of the camps. All camps have a planned purpose, and job. We will meet in one week at the capital to initiate priority one.

-The Rebel Leader

As my eyes finish skimming the letter, my brain gets thrown into thought. Priority One is the rebels main purpose, capital take down. The capital of The Republic was moved once the country was changed into The Republic. The capital is far south in Atlanta. I need more detail than what the letter gave me. "Get me some paper, a pen, and ten of your best delivery men." I order Zeke. 

"I don't have to take orders from you." Zeke replies. 

"Um yes you do Zeke. I'm second in command of this whole thing, okay? I'm in charge of Priority One. Now you do what I say." I reply to him. I don't need teenagers telling me what to do. 

"Oh sorry, I didn't know. Does that mean Uriah is part of Priority One?" He asks. 

"Yeah he is, and so are you. We are putting Priority One into action right now. Could you please get me the things I asked for?" I tell him. 

He takes some paper and a pen from across the room. After he hands it to me he walks out. I write a quick note to the Rebel Leader just saying the note, and that I'd be there in a week. Then, I write a note to all the camps on the other sheets. They say Initiate priority one, and to do your special job. I fold up all the papers just as Zeke brings in the people I asked for.

"Do you know what Priority One is? And your jobs?" I ask the group of rebels.

"This is one of the front lines camps, but we are also medical. The others include cavalry, snippier, medical response, and technology. There is more front lines than others." One of the men answer.

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