Chapter 3

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Tris's POV:

 Tobias just shot my brother in the hand. Hand wounds are not life threatening though. I look back at Tobias and there is blood falling from his shoulder. Its not a little blood either, the bullet hit something important. I have to get to him. I struggle against Peter who is holding me back. 

"Tobias no!!" I scream hysterically. He looks at me confused like he has no idea what's going on. His gun falls to the floor and he put his hand to his shoulder. He lifts it to his face and that is when he falls to the floor. He is loosing so much blood. He lays there helplessly. People are not helping us. Most of them are running and screaming, which just adds to the hysteria. 

"Tobias no!!! Please no!!!" I am a mess. The blood pools around him. The situation is dire he needs help right now. He tries to  say something, but it is hard to tell what he is saying at first. 

"I.....I....lov.." He attempts to say and his eyes close. At this point Caleb is unconscious on the floor and Uriah has his gun to Peters head. Peter has his gun to my back. I have to do something. I twist my body around while in the process knocking Peters gun away. Uriah takes over and knocks Peter's other gun out of his hand. Then, Uriah knocks him unconscious in one single blow to the head. By this point Tori is here and kneels next to Tobias.

I run over and fall to my knees,  put my head on his stomach and just sob. "HEY!! Get me blood and a defibrillator!!!" Tori yells. Were are we going to get these things. I random person comes toward us and hands all these medical supplies to Tori. None of us have seen this person before and we are about to put Tobias's life in his hands.

He kneels next to Tobias and puts his two fingers on Tobias's neck. "No Pulse." He says. "You!" he points at Uriah. " Get her off of him." Uriah grabs me and I try to fight my way to get back to Tobias, but Uriah is too strong.

"NO! STOP!" I scream at Uriah. He just holds me tighter. My eyes are so wet with tears I can't see. The random person warms up the defibrillator and places it over Tobias's heart. Tori lifts up her hand from the wound. He pushes down the paddles onto Tobias's chest. I was just listening to his heart this morning, and now it sits dead in his chest cavity. Tobias's back arches for just a second and then he lays there just limp. He puts his hands on Tobias's neck again. He turns up the paddles and then again puts the paddles over his heart. I drop to the floor and just sob. I hear Tobias body rise and fall once more. Another pause and for a third time I hear his body rise and fall.. I can't lose him.

 I don't hear the defibrillator again though. I look up and see his chest moving while he takes a breath. I get up and run over to Tobias while Uriah isn't looking. "Pick him up, we don't have much time before his heart gives out agin." the random guy says. Tori grabs one of his arms and pulls it over her shoulder. I grab the other and we move to the medical ward while Christina helps Uriah deal with Peter and Caleb. 

The pit is now completely empty. I have no idea were all those angry people went, but that's not important right now. I sniff in. Tori looks at me and gives me a look. "Tris, come on...pull yourself together." she says. I just stare at her. 

"If you can't pull yourself together, I will have you escorted away." the random guy helping us says. Who does he think he is telling me what to do? I'm the one who can have him escorted out if I wanted to. I don't say anything though, because he is the only one who knows how to help Tobias. Although he isn't helping us much right now. He is just watching us carry Tobias to the medical ward and he just watches and walks behind us.

I'm drenched in Tobias's blood by the time we get there. Tori and I lay him on one of the beds and the other guy digs through the cabinets for supplies. Christina walks in and explains that for the time being, Peter and Caleb are handcuffed to a pipe somewhere in the hallway. I figure Uriah must be watching them. I look at Tobias and he is getting paler by the second. 

"Um..." I say out loud. The guy digging through the cabinets looks at Tobias. "I'm Ryan by the way."  he says to us as he jogs over to the bedside. Ryan takes  this thing that he found in the cabinets and he hooks it up to Tobias chest and he holds it in his hand while he examines the numbers it gives him. It must be a heart rate monitor. 

"Yep, this is bad." he mumbles. Mr. Optimistic over here is really starting to irritate me. Tori gives him a look that says it all. Its her shut up or your going to get slapped look. He runs over to the fridge with medical supplies in it and pulls out a bag of blood. 

He puts a needle in Tobias's arm and attaches the blood to the needle. That's when the monitor goes off. 

"Nooooo!" I yell. I am starting to once again lose control. Tori just shakes her head in disapproval. 

"Okay," Ryan points at Christina. "Can you hold her back." Christina takes my arms and pulls me back. I don't resist though. I know its better if I stay out of the way. 

Ryan takes the defibrillator paddles and charges them once again. Tobias arches his back and watching this again makes me want to be sick. I don't want to see this agian. Something strange happens this time though. Tobias's eyes open wide, and he looks at Ryan with confusion. Then, he punches him in the face. That's something I've wanted to do for about the past ten minutes.

Ryan staggers back and Tori takes over. "Four, you have been shot in the shoulder. You need to calm down." she says to him in an attempt to calm him down. "This is Ryan, he is saving your life." The look on his face that indicated he was upset, disappeared.

"Where's Tris?" everything inside of me wanted to scream that I was right here, but I was too astonished to talk. 

"Shes right here." Tori says and motions for me to come over. Christina lets go of me.  I run over to Tobias's bed side and grab his hand.

Ryan walks back to the bedside and his nose is bleeding, but he doesn't care. I would be really ticked off If I got punched in the nose, and I don't knw why Ryan handled it so well.  "Ok, well, unfortunately for you, we are out of anesthetic , and I have to sew your shoulder together. This is going to be painful." He explains to Tobias. He bends down to the pile of supplies he got from the cabinets and grabs  some alcohol, a suture kit, a ton of bandages, and a few surgical supplies. " Hold him down please." He says to Tori, Christina and me. 

We all get ready to hold down Tobias. This is going to be the worst experience of my life, because I have to watch Tobias suffer like this. Ryan takes a role of bandages and puts it in Tobias's mouth for him to bite on. " Are you ready?" he asks Tobias as he pours some alcohol on his hands to clean them. Tobias nods his head, his face is full of fear.

"Then here we go." Ryan says.


Sorry for another cliff hanger. Pleas vote if you like. :) And agin sorry for any errors.  


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