Part 2: Chapter 9

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Tobias POV:

The man's shouting get's all of our attention. The whole group stops what they are doing and stares at the man. I look around and notice that there is about three feet between each person. Tris stands behind me and to my left, but she is close to me. 

I draw my weapon and so does Tris. We point it to the direction of the voice. He just looks like a dark shadow to me, because the moon is doing a bad job lighting the sky. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I have thirty special trained snipers around these woods. With the right command, they will blow your heads of." I look down at Tris. Neither of us drops our weapons. I look around and see everyone has their weapons pointed at him. 

"Not until you tell us who you are." I hear Brecken say. I bet this guy is bluffing. 

"Oh! You think I was kidding?" The man flicks his wrist and dirt flies up all around are our feet. That must be the warning shots. They must be silenced guns. This is has just gotten worse. None of us know who this guy is and why he wants to kill us. "Now that I have made my self clear, drop your weapons." 

I hear clatter as guns drop to the ground. There is no way I am dropping my weapon. I keep it drawn on the man. I slow my breathing to concentrate on the shot. "I suggest you two put down the guns." 

"Really, Four. Put it down!" Ryan whispers to me, but I know that everyone still heard it. I had no idea he was next to me this whole time. 

"Why should we?" I ask the man. I close my eyes take, a breath, and open my eyes again. 

"You want to go there? I'd much rather keep you alive. Four was it? Oh! And this one here is that your girlfriend Four?" The man asks me. I keep quiet and don't move my gun. I look back at Tris and she keeps her gun on the man as well. We are digging our grave at the moment, but It gives our group time to figure out what to do. 

The man flicks his wrist again and this time, I feel it immediately. I look down at my foot and see the blood leaking out of a hole in my shoe. I drop my weapon immediately, trying to hold back the scream in my throat. I look back at Tris as she drops her weapon as well. I look at her shoe and see the blood coming out. This was not the best idea. At least my foot being shot isn't life treating, but it hurts. A lot. 

"You idiot!" Ryan whisper yells at me. 

"Am I clear now?" He asks as the whole camp turns to me. 

"Jerk." I mutter. 

"Excuse me?" He lifts his hand again. 

"Wait! Yes we are clear." I shout back at him. The pain coming fom my foot is clouding my thoughts, but my adrenalin will kick in soon. 

Suddenly, I feel my heart rate pick up as it pushes around my adrenaline. I start to feel anger to wash over me. We are trapped and no one can do anything, because we are surrounded by snipers. 

"And you miss?" He asks Tris. 

"Sure, Whatever." She grunts. She sounds so mad. Her tone sounded like angry thunder. 

"Good! Listen very closely to what I have to say. If you run, you will be shot. If you touch any weapon, you will be shot. If you so much as move a muscle, you will be shot. That includes talking. I have had a bad day, and I'm not putting up with any of it." The man says. I'm not a fan of having enemies I can't see. I know that they snipers are well hidden too, because I couldn't see any of them when Zeke and I were on our perimeter check. 

Tris POV:

"I don't want to hurt any of you, and by that I mean kill any of you." The man says. 

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