Part 2: Chapter 11

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Tris POV:

We spent the rest of our time marching in silence. We had come up really close on the capital, and everyone agreed that it was best to travel quietly. The time went fast, mostly because we had all developed this grave feeling of 'we are so going to die.' I have come to accept it though. I am helping the people of the Republic and if that means putting my life out there, than I am okay with it. 

Tobias POV: 

I tried to stay as close to Tris as I could. I need her to know that I am still here. It is not even that. I need her, because she is the only one who has every Known all of my secrets. The secrets that would normally scare someone else away. She isn't scared. She is the bravest one that I know. I just need her to know how much that I need her. I don't want her to go into this thinking that she is going to die. 

Our little leader calls to have us stop walking for a quick ten minute break. The next time we stop, it will be because we are part of the United States, or dead. 

I search frantically around for Tris. I spot her blood head of hair over by her brother. Caleb has been very sure to instill a new level of protecting of Tris in just the past few hours. 

Tris POV:

Every since we stopped walking, Caleb has been standing by my side. I really don't know what he wants. Caleb has already done everything possible to push me away as it is. 

I look up for a second to notice Tobias charging over to me. "Tris!" He whisper yells when he gets close enough. 

"Tobias?" I ask him as he crashes into me. He raps me in one of his giant bear hugs. 

"Tris." He pulls away and looks at my face. "Let's get married." 

I let those words process in my head just to make sure that I heard them correctly. "What?" I agree with him, but I don't think now is the best time for that. 

"Tris I need you more that I think you know." He whispers. I catch a glimpse of Caleb in the corner of my eye. His face is blanketed in a new kind of shock. 

"No!" Caleb says to us. "No that is not going to happen." 

Tobias turns to him and points his finger out to him. "You don't get to decide her life and..."

I place my hand on his chest and he stops mid sentence to look at me. "Caleb. You don't really have a place to tell me what I can and can not do. You lost that place." I explain to Caleb.

"Tris I don't mean right now. I mean after everything gets sorts out. I just need you to know that I need you okay. Please be careful while we are out there." Now I know that Tobias is just trying to keep me alive in every way possible.

"Tobias, I don't plan on dying. You don't have to worry." I smile and stand on my toes to kiss his cheek.

"You better not Tris." He kisses the top of my head. He lowers his voice and talks into my hair. "I love you so much Tris."

"I love you too." I smile.

Just at that moment we are called to continue marching to the capital. Apparently there is only about a mile or two left to travel.

------Page Break------------

We were pushed right into this giant meadow. The tops of giant buildings can  be seen just over the tops of the trees. "Alright that right there is the capital." Brecken points out to the city. "We have to be ready. This right here is our chance to make a change. Our chance to make a change that will last forever." He lets is arm drop to his side. More rebel groups come out of know where. They all march up to our group. 

"This will be hard. It wasn't designed to be easy. You have to expect some casualties. No one every said that no one will get hurt." He continues. More rebels come to our growing group of people. They all start to pass out the gear that they carried. Tobias manages to grab a few bullet proof vests and a couple of pistols. 

I work on getting on the vest. I open the pistol to check the amount of ammo out of habit. I grab an extra clip from this one rebel soldier, and stuff it in my pocket. Brecken continues his speech. "Luckily we have been planing this for a long time. We have everything we need to win over the capital. Once it is ours, we have the country." 

The ground begins to shake, and a loud noise fills the air. It is the sound of many machines all grinding to a start. "My group, you know who you are, is going to be in charge of the capital building. Every person important to the Republic will be thrown in jail and rot there until they die." 

Tobias raps his fingers in mine once everyone is situated. The mystery man walks over to us and stands by us. "I'm with you guys." He whispers. Uriah and Christina find there way over to us. Brecken continues "The civilians were evacuated, once they Republic got word of our arrival. Expect that all important documents have been disposed of. That is why all important people must be kept alive. We have rebel forces surrounding the city now. More rebel forces that they thought existed." 

A cheer erupts from our crowd. "This is our fight. Lets go." Brecken walks over to our group. The mystery man walks up to were Brecken was standing. Brecken turns to me. "this giant group is in charge of getting us into the city with out being killed."

"Listen up!" He yells to get the crowd under control. "My name is Derek. I come from the United States. Lets me just say that my position if high enough, that you are not classified to know anything more than that. " Well at least we all finally know his name. That is a plus. "This battle starts when......"Derek pauses. "Well. You will know when." He walks over to us once more. 

The ground begins to shake again, this time getting closer at closer to us. "Clear a path!" A rebel soldier shouts. A part forms right in the middle of all the rebels that have gathered here. Once a path is cleared we all stand in silence as the roar of machines gets closer. 

Suddenly, pick up trucks start zooming past us. Some of them are full of more rebels, others are mounted with heavy machine guns. Then, some massive machines come rolling past. They are covered in heavy sheets of camouflaged metal.  I can hear someone near me call them a 'tank'. After about five 'tanks' roll past the road cleared for all the cars closes. 

Derek raises his hand in order to tell us all to hold off on running into the city. I can see him smiling like the best is yet to come. 

After about a minute Derek yells. "REBELS! Say hello to the helicopters!" A load roar consumes the sky, as the helicopters go by over head. I have never seen one, but I heard  some rebels talk about them before. The rebels must have invaded a lot of warehouses for all of this. 

"CHARGE!!!!!!" Derek yells. I link hand with Tobias and we run with the screaming crowd of rebels. Our guns are raised over our head, and we all head into war. All the massive rebel groups rush out of the trees around the city to join us. 

This is our fight. This is the first step to changing what has been needing changing for a long time.


Sorry about not updating. I got rapped up in some other fanfics i am writing. My goal is to push to get this done. We are so close too. Oh just a heads up, it has a happy ending.  

*not edited* 

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