Chapter 9

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Tris POV:

The first of the soldiers come stomping through the halls. Tobias checks the ammo in the gun he has been using and he looks at me. "Only two left." he says. Uriah hears this and takes the stun gun out of Caleb's hands. "I'll handle this." I guess that Uriah doesn't want Caleb to stun one of us. We won't have time to reset the stun gun while we are out there. 

"We only have two bullets and one stun. Make them count." I tell everyone. 

The first soldier gets to the door and Tori punches him in the face. Tori takes his gun and we all run past the guy. Caleb rushes to the front to lead us around Erudite. The next soldier comes just as we are turning right to exit the hallway with the cells. Uriah points the stun gun at him and then he drops the gun as soon as he is done using it. There is not point keeping it. 

We reach the main lobby and there are soldiers pushing through the crowd of receptionists and the crowd is running in all sorts of directions. The Erudite didn't think through the fact that the front doors are made of glass. Tobias points his gun and fires at one of the doors causing glass to fall out of the door frame. All of us are fighting someone except for me. I stand in the middle of this just watching everything else unfold in slow motion. Until, the man that knocked me out with his gun when we first got here comes out. I make eye contact with him and he comes right to me. 

He comes over with his fists up by his face as a guard. I put my fists up to defend my face, and I'm trying  mirroring him. I throw my fist out and hit him in his stomach. It caught him off guard. He throws his fist out and hits me in the stomach. I think the control I had on the situation for that split second is gone. I look over to find Tobias and he is fighting of some soldier. The man punches me in the stomach again, but this time I fall over onto my back. I have to get back up, I can't be on the ground. 

I try to get up, but he kicks me in the stomach. That kick has got to break some ribs and I feel it. There is just no getting up, I just want to curl up in a ball and forget about everything. The man puts his foot on my stomach and holds me down with his foot. It is almost like he is taking ownership over me.  He isn't just resting his foot on my stomach, he is pressing down on my stomach. A groan escapes his mouth. 

"Don't like that do you?" He growls. "Well, you won't like this." He takes out his gun and clicks a bullet into place. Oh great, here we go. I squint my eyes closed and prepare myself for the bullet that is about to kill me. 

I hear a gun shot go off and a heavy weight fall on my body. I open my eyes and see Tobias standing right above me. He drops the gun and pulls the dead man off of me. "We have to go right now." He says.

I go to get up and I notice my stomach is in a lot of pain. Breathing is a difficulty. Tobias notices me struggling  and he pulls me up. I look around the room and it is just in disarray. There are papers everywhere, dead or unconscious soldiers on the floor, and glass everywhere. Everyone is done fighting the guards and we all just stare at each other. Ryan is the first to move and he runs out of the room, through the broken door Tobias shot earlier. We all follow him out of the door.

The black truck that took us to Erudite sits right where the soldiers left it yesterday, when we got here. Tobias rushes right to the drivers side and starts the car. The soldiers must have left the key in the ignition. I hop in the passenger side and the rest of my friends hop in the back of the pickup.

I look at Tobias his face is bloody and his shoulder looks terrible. The Erudite HQ is home to many many soldiers and weapons. We are not far from the field that leads to Amity. The field is in firing range to Erudite with a specialized weapon. The roof of Erudite HQ is also a great vantage point to see a great portion of the field. 

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