Part 2: Chapter 5

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You have to read this whole chapter. It is important. The dream in this chapter is important for the rest of this so read it. 


Tobias POV:

I look at Evelyn who is sitting on the back of the truck. She just looks at the ground. She didn't say anything when she woke up, and I don't want to talk to her. My attention turns to Marcus's coffin. I throw the top open. 

"Caleb wake him up in here." I instruct while pointing at the coffin. 

"Tobias." Evelyn soothes. She is trying to change my mind. 

"NO!" I scream. "He is a traitor." I look at his sleeping face. He probably can hear me, and knows he is going to wake to this.

Caleb comes over and sticks the syringe in his neck. Marcus's eyes open, his dark cold eyes. "So, traitor. Working with Erudite?" I growl.

"It's not what it looks like." He pleads as he tries to get out of his coffin.

"Whatever." I growl. I bring my first down and punch him in the nose. He falls back into the coffin. "How could you?" I ask.

He sits there quietly. "The people who took out our whole faction?" The sound of distant sirens fill the air.

I bring my arm up to punch him again, but Tris steps in front of me. She puts her arm up. "Tobias." She whispers. "They are coming. It is time to go."

I turn away from her and get into the back of the truck. She follows and sits next to me on the bench across from Uriah. Uriah is sitting up against the wall watching the flashing lights in the distance. Caleb comes in and sits next to Tris. Christina comes in and sits next to Uriah. Peter sits next to Christina and Marcus and Evelyn sit on the floor. Ryan closes the door and gets into the passenger side of the Truck. I  guess we are leaving the coffins. It can be our little message to The Republic. We don't have to do what they say.

I look down and take a deep breath, letting myself calm down. I can't kill Peter or Marcus they are too important.

Tris POV:

We just barley managed to escape in time. We are lucky actually. Brecken says we have about an hour until we hit a rebel camp where there might be cars. A lot can happen in an hour. Other than Brecken's occasional update, nobody has said a word. I look at the empty space where the coffins used to be, and then I look up at Tobias. 

He looks troubled, like he always does. I don't blame him, we have had to kill to survive; run in order to live. I lift my hand and rest it on his knee. I know that it helps to know that you are not alone. He rests his hand on top of mine and looks at me. His eyes look distant, they look like he is drowning in a dark sea. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. 

I wake up on a wooden raft. I look around and see I am surrounded by miles and miles of water. The sky is dark and pouring water. Lighting fills the sky, and then a large wave crashes over top of me. The wave breaks my raft, leaving me with nothing. I look around. "ANYONE!" the plead comes from my mouth. "TRIS?" Someone shouts. I turn around frantically trying to find who was talking to me. Another wave comes over me, pulling me under the water. I look up and see the violent waters flash as lightning splits the sky. I look down and see darkness. It is so peaceful here. I dismiss the thoughts. I can't give up. I swim to the surface. I scream "SOMEONE?" I still can't find anyone. "OVER HERE!" I look over to where the voice came from. I see Tobias there about a hundred feet away. We swim toward each-other and meet in the middle. "Oh Tris, I'm so gla.." He shouts, but halfway through his sentence he is pulled under water. I dive under and see his feet have been waited with the bodies of people we have killed. As he is pulled deeper, I try to swim deeper. The darkness swallows him, the lightning on the surface provides me with small glimpses of him as he gets smaller and smaller. "TOBIAS!" A muffled scream escapes me, but it doesn't matter. He is gone.

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