Monday (I)

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This is my first individual story so I hope you guys enjoy! I know I haven't been posting anything in a long time, but I've been working on this and a few other things as well...

I don't know if this will help you, but I just wanna put how many words are in each part just as a reference. This part has 542 words.

Don't be afraid to put any opinions in the comments. I'll be looking at all of them. Enjoy my lovelies!


"Hey Mitchie!" I said as I saw him down the hall.

"Hey Scottie! Long time no see!" he said, engulfing me in a hug.

"Calm down, the last time we saw each other was Saturday." He always misses me, even if it's only for an hour. So a day is like not seeing each other for a month.

"And it's Monday today." he stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

"That's only one day without you, but that's okay because I missed you too." I said as I kissed him on the forehead. Before you think about anything, we are only best friends. We flirt to each other all the time, but we are always platonic. Peers have even come up to us and asked how long it would be until we get married, but we just tell them we are best friends and nothing more. Even thought I want more.

"That's sweet Scottie, but I have to get my stuff out of my locker." he said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry." I said chuckling to myself, letting him go. I grabbed my backpack that I guess I dropped in anticipation and went to my locker.

"Got everything, Hoying?" he asked me and leaned up against the lockers right next to me after he closed his locker.

"Um, yeah." I said as I closed my locker and locked it.

He held out his hand for me to grab because our first classes were right next to each other, but they weren't the same. I had Spanish class while he had French. We weren't negatively bothered (meaning teasing or bullying) by anyone because no one dared to mess with me. I'm 6'3" and I work out all the time, so no one wanted to say anything mean to me or Mitch. Yeah, I was feared, but I wasn't the most popular person, only because I didn't play football and I was a chior nerd. The fact that I'm gay doesn't help either because all that matters at this school is that you bang the hottest chick around and brag about it. Thats not like me at all. We finally got to class and hugged once more.

"Bye Scottie. I'll miss you." he said into my neck.

"I'll miss you too." I said and kissed his forehead. "Now let go of me before you make us both late." I said with a chuckle. He giggled and went inside his classroom. I sighed not knowing how I ever got this beautiful boy to befriend me. I walked into the classroom right as the bell rang.

"Ok class. Get out your textbooks and a piece of paper. We're taking notes on demonstrative adjectives." Mrs. Niell said as I took my seat. This was going to be a long hour and twenty minutes.

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