Thursday (III) (smut)

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1460 words of fluffy smut. I was in a good mood when I wrote it a few days ago.

"Make love to me Scottie." He replied.

"Okay, love. I'll take good care of you." I said softly as I took off my shirt slowly, trying to set the pace of this slow.

"But I wanna take care of you!" He said back.

"I would let you, but since it's your first time, it's gonna be painful, so I'm gonna take charge, and I'll go slow." I told him, not meaning to be too dominant. He let me take off his shirt, and I dropped it on the floor somewhere. "Make sure to tell me if you're in pain, love." I told him. He nodded so I started kissing him softly. He wrapped his arms around my neck loosely as I held his hips, making sure not to put too much pressure on him. He licked my bottom lip, and I let him in. Our tongues danced passionately, me trying to make him feel as loved as possible. I broke the kiss, standing up and fumbling with my belt. If I wasn't shaking this would be easier.

"Babe, it's okay. I'll get it." He stood up with me, easily pulling down his sweatpants, revealing himself naked. I looked him up and down, biting my lip. He wasn't too big, not too small, but perfect. Perfect for his body size, perfect for me. He reached for my belt, and I could see his hands visible shaking as well. I mean, were both about to lose our virginity to someone we love, so of course it's nerve-wracking. He fumbled with it for a while until he got it off, jeans button and all. I let him slide my jeans off my legs, and I stepped out of them, socks included. I kissed him again, just wanting more contact. It was just lips, nothing else. There was still some space between our bodies, so Mitch played with the hem of my boxers. I placed my hands on his hips, inching my hands toward his butt. I grabbed it, and pulled him closer, so the only thing between us was the thin fabric. He gasped in surprise, and I slipped my tongue in his mouth. I felt his erection, and I'm sure he felt mine. I mean, he knew it was there already. I slipped a finger in his crack, towards his hole, and he moaned into the kiss. I teased his hole, rubbing against it. He slightly broke the kiss to moan my name, then went right back into it. He grabbed my jaw with both hands, and pulled away, looking into my eyes.

"Make love to me Scottie. I can't wait anymore." He said desperately. I recoiled my hands, and started to take off my boxers, but he pried my hands away, wanting to do it himself. He grabbed the hem and pulled them down carefully. But it didn't work because my cock sprung up and hit him in the face, on accident. He giggled and continued until he was kneeling in front of me. I stepped out of the boxers and stood there, waiting for him to stand back up. But he never did.

"Can I?" He asked. He didn't need to elaborate.

"Of course." I threaded a hand through his hair as he took the head in his mouth. I moaned at the contact, and he put his tongue through my slit, making me moan even more. Man, this boy can do wonders and he hasn't even done much yet. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have his ass wrapped around my-

"Mitch!" My own moan cut off my thoughts as he took the rest of me in his mouth, fighting his gag reflex. He took all of me in, his chin touching my balls. I looked down at him and he was already looking up at me through his eyelashes. He was beautiful, and it turned me on even more to see my cock down his throat, and even a little bump in his neck from my cock. He started bobbing his head, swallowing around me and hollowing out his cheeks. Did he have practice or something? Cause damn.

"Stop I'm about to cum." I informed him. He let off of me, standing up. I hissed at the cold air hitting my cock, but he cut me short by kissing me and pressing his body as close to mine as possible. It was only a short kiss because I couldn't take it much longer. I needed to be inside him, quickly. I broke the kiss, picked him up and placed him gently on the bed. He opened his legs for me as I laid myself in between them, kissing him again. My shaft landed perfectly in between his cheeks, resting against his hole. I slid it across his hole, making us both moan into the kiss. I stopped then broke the kiss.

I leaned over him to my nightstand, and, with shaky ass hands, I grabbed a condom and some lube from a drawer. I knew something like this would happen, so I was prepared. I tore open the condom, put it on, and lubed up pretty well, making sure to get my fingers as well. I circled his rim with one finger, then pushed it in, watching his face for any pain. He giggled a bit.

"It feels weird." He giggled.

"Of course it does, love. You're not used to things going in this beautiful hole of yours." I told him. I slowly added a second, watching his face contort a bit.

"Tell me if it's too much, okay?" I asked him.

"Okay." I carefully scissored my fingers, moving slowly so he can adjust. I pushed my fingers in a bit more, hoping to find his prostate. He moaned and arched his back when I found it.

"There it is." I said to no one in particular, and pressed my fingers against it again, abusing it. His mouth hung open in a silent moan. I carefully slipped a third finger in, hoping the pleasure would outweigh the pain. He just kept his head back, back arched, and hands clenching the sheets. I moved my fingers away from his prostate, stretching him a bit more. He relaxed and looked back at me.

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said, almost moaning.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Positive." He replied. With that, I carefully took out my fingers, making sure to brush his prostate again. He moaned, then whimpered at the loss of the contact and that my fingers weren't in him anymore. I made sure that my cock was well lubed before placing the tip at his entrance.

"Tell me if it's too much, okay love?" I told him.

"I know. But please go slow." He said.

"Of course I will honey." I replied, and slowly pushed in, watching his face. His face contorted in discomfort, but never really pain. I could tell he was holding back a little bit, but if I stopped, we wouldn't get anywhere. I kept slowly inching in until my hips touched his. I stopped.

"Tell me when to move, love." I said to him. He nodded his head, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around my neck.

"You can go." He said after a while, opening his eyes and looking into mine.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too." He replied, a smile on his lips. I kissed him as I pulled out a bit, then pushed back in. We both moaned into the kiss, our tongues dancing. I wasn't moving too quickly, but it still felt amazing. We both were a moaning mess and I could hardly keep myself up off of him so I wouldn't crush him. I distributed my weight onto one hand, as I slowly pumped his member, earning more moans. I kept brushing past his prostate, making him sweat and moan like crazy. I felt my orgasm coming up, and I could tell he was close too.

"Come with me?" I asked him. He kissed me in response, no tongue, just lips. I came into the condom with a moan as he came on my hand. I rode out our orgasms, trying to have enough energy to not fall on top of him. I broke the kiss to pull out slowly. He whined at the emptiness, and I giggled a bit. I stood up, threw the condom away, and grabbed a few tissues and cleaned him up. I threw away the tissues and lied down next to him, staring into his eyes. I pulled him close and kissed him.

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