Monday (III)

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159 words

"Hm" Mitch said deep in thought as we were walking back.

"What?" I wanna know what's in that boy's mind.

"Everyone keeps telling us that we'd be a good couple."

"And why would you bring that up?" I asked, my heart racing thinking about what he could say next.

"Well, I was thinking we could just fake a relationship just to see everyone's reactions." My heart sank to my ankles.

"Well, we already do all the couply things, so in order to convince them, we'd have to, you know, kiss." I said after trying to regain my thoughts. For a second I thought Mitch could hear my heart beating out of my chest. (A/n La La Latch 😂)

"Yeah, that's true."

"What made you wanna have a fake relationship with me?" I asked out of curiosity and maybe asking him if he wanted to have a real relationship.

"I dunno."

"Ok." If he doesn't wanna tell me, I won't try to get it out of him.

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