Tuesday (II)

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The first half of the day was a drag, except for biology. That was a little bit better since Mitch was there with me. It was boring until Mitch decided to send me some science puns via text. It was hard to contain my laughter, and the teacher noticed so I had to recite one of the puns. I managed to find one that wasn't offensive or dirty. The whole class hated me afterwards, but Mitch and I kept cracking up. The teacher let it slide though, knowing that it only happened when one of us had a bad day, but Mitch and I knew we were just bored. The bell rang, signaling lunch, which I was very happy for.

"Long time no see." Mitch said as we exited the classroom. I let out a small giggle.

"Lunch in the caf?" I asked, extending a hand for him to grab.

"Sure. Let's hope not very many people are there. What's the special today?" he said as he grabbed my hand and continued on our way to food.

"I think they said tomato soup or something. I know not very many people like that, but we can always get the pasta." I knew what was coming next.

"Do they have wheat free?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Of course munchkin." I said with a smile and bopped his nose.

"Don't call me that! I hate you." He never let go of my hand.

"You love me."

"I love you." He pecked my cheek.

"Love you too, munchkin."

"Stop calling me that!" he said. It's so cute when he's mad.

"You're cute when you're mad, you know that?" I spoke my mind. God I've always wanted to tell him that, but never had the chance until now.

"You're cuter." he said as we walked into the cafeteria.

"No, you're the cutest little queen on the planet." I replied while setting my bag down next to his. We had to set our bags down before we got in line so we couldn't steel anything.

"Oh, stop it." he said jokingly and lightly slapping my arm.

"I won't and you know that." I said, looking at him. He leaned in towards my ear to say something.
"God I wish I could kiss you right now." he whispered into my ear.

"Me too." I said hugging him. The line moved forward and we waddled up the line, not breaking our embrace.
"We look like one of those couples who don't care about PDA." Mitch commented.

"When we tell people, I don't think we would care." I said, hugging Mitch tighter then letting him go. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me forward. We were at the front of the line but had to wait until the food stations cleared up a bit.

"That soup looks good." Mitch said as someone with tomato soup passed us. "I think I'm gonna get it."

"Okay. I think I'm gonna try it too. I guess today the food is better than normal." I replied. The food stations cleared up a bit so Mitch and I went and got some soup and bread, our hands never breaking contact. We sat down at a table for two and started eating, our hands still connected on top of the table.

"God, we're so in love." Mitch commented at our unseparated hands.

"I know. I wonder what others are thinking about us right now." I took a sip of my water.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the whole cafeteria would start chanting for us to make out or something." I laughed so hard that I spit out the water from my mouth.

"Mitch!" I scolded playfully as I used a napkin to clean it up.

"What? You're the one who laughed." He replied with heavy sass.

"You're the one who made me laugh." I said as I got up to throw away the wet napkins. Mitch whimpered at the loss of touch in our hands so I hurried to throw it away.

"You're pouting because I let go of your hand for ten seconds." I told him as I sat down and grabbed his hand again. A smile instantly appeared on his face because of the contact.

"Not anymore." He replied and took the last spoonful of soup in his mouth.

"Okay Mr. Sassy Pants. Let's go somewhere else, this place is getting kinda crowded." I said and stood up. I let go of his hand to grab all of our trash and throw it away.

"Why thank you, kind sir." Mitch said as he stood up and latched onto my elbow. We walked towards our stuff and I threw our trash away on the way. We grabbed our bags and left the cafeteria. "Where to next?"

"Hm, I was thinking," I went closer to his ear so no one else could hear me but him, "we could go somewhere private for the rest of lunch." I quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching but the hallway was empty so I lightly nibbled on his ear.

"Oh! Scottie!" he said breathlessly. "Can we go, please?" Mitch tilted his head so I could have more access to his neck. I pulled away.

"Behind the 100 building?" I suggested.

"Nah, too open. What about the gym bathroom? No one really goes in there at lunch." He brushed his hand along my arm, making it almost impossible to say no.

"Sure." He grabbed my hand and tugged me to the opposite side of the campus. We shared no words throughout the whole walk and I was trying to keep up with his fast pace. I know that sounds weird because I'm usually the one ahead, but this time it was different. Dominant Mitch is a huge turn on to my teenager hormones. We got to the bathroom and went inside, checking to see if anyone was in there. We set down our bags near the door.

"I don't think anyone's in-" Mitch started but I cut him off with a kiss, lightly pushing him against the wall for stability. He hummed in satisfaction and placed his arms around my neck. My hands were already feeling up his sides as he pushed his tongue in my mouth. I moaned in delight as our tongues danced with each other. I heard the door open and I quickly got off of Mitch. He didn't seem to hear the door open so he whimpered at the loss of contact and reached an arm up.

"Scottie what are y-" Mitch started but he saw the boy who walked in on us. He had his mouth hanging wide open.

"Did you two just?" He asked slowly. I felt protective all of a sudden.

"Yes as a matter of fact, we did. Now," I walked up to him, easily towering over him, "if you tell anyone about this, you will go home with a black eye. Understand?" I growled at him.

"Yes." he whimpered.

"Now leave." I shoved him towards the door and he scrambled to leave. I turned back around to Mitch.
"Ooh, Scottie's getting protective." Mitch said and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his back and kissed his forehead.

"Now," I slowly pushed him against the wall. "Where were we?" I asked. Mitch replied by pressing his lips against mine and wrapping his arms back around my neck. I placed my hands on his hips, then snaked them behind his back and pulled him closer. He gasped in surprise and I took that opportunity to explore his mouth with my tongue. My hands roamed his back under his shirt. We had to end it short because the bell rang. I pulled away from him, out of breath. "Let's continue this later, hm?" I asked and looked into his eyes. He hummed and nodded in response. I gave him one last peck before I let go of him and backed away from the wall so he could move. We grabbed our bags then I grabbed his hand and we left the bathroom. We got a few stares, but nothing too wild. We always got stares, but this time I was a little bit more aware to those things.

"We saw you two come out of the bathroom hand in hand. If I may ask, what did you two do in there?" The school's 'news' reporters asked me.

"No, you may not ask." I retorted bluntly and squeezed Mitch's hand a little bit harder and pulled him to our next class, ignoring the reactions everyone had and the rumors that might be spreading.

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