Friday (I)

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My notifs are dead and sad cause no one has updated in a while. So, double? Ish?

I woke up to my alarm at 7:00am. I wanted to stay and sleep for another five minutes like I always do, but I had to get ready for school. I was also really excited for the dance tonight. I sprang out of bed and got dressed and ready in fifteen minutes, just like yesterday, but my reason was that I was excited for tonight. I can't wait to see Mitch's reaction when I give him the ring. I had some time before I had to leave for school, but I still left about five minutes earlier than I normally do. Better safe than sorry. Plus, I kinda wanna see him this morning, even though I see him every morning.

"Hey Mitchy!" I saw him talking to Kirstie against his locker.

"Hey Scottie!" I greeted him with a hug, but I wanted a kiss. Especially after what happened last night. I could tell his demeanor has changed since then, but it's all for the better. Even I feel like I'm better connected to him. He's my other half, well, more like a full two thirds of me.

"Excited for tonight?" I asked as I let go of him to go into my locker.

"No duh. What's that surprise you were talking about and when will it happen?" Curious. Perfect.

"It's a surprise for a reason, and it'll happen soon." I smirked. I knew I was vague, but it helped both of us, I think.

"Helpful." He said with a huff.

"Hey, it'll be today, so don't worry." I comforted as I closed my locker and hugged him again.

"I gotta get to class, so I'll talk to you guys later." Kirstie said/greeted us and gave us both hugs.

"We still have twenty minutes Kirst." I said.

"It's more than obvious where you're going Kit." Mitch added sassily. I looked at him. Of course we were thinking the exact same thing.

"Alright you guys. I'm gonna get going." She said playfully annoyed, and left, going towards the football field.

"Have fun!" Mitch said as she left through the empty hallway. "Wanna go somewhere?" He asked me.

"Where'd we go?" I asked.

"One of the many places on campus. There's always behind the bleachers, behind the 100 building, bathroom..." He said and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Alright. We can go to the 100 building because it's closer." I suggested.

"Sounds good." I grabbed his hand and led him there. I'm not gonna go into detail what we did, but we were late to class. And no it wasn't as far as last night.

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