Tuesday (I)

137 7 2

beep beep beep beep beep bee-

I shut off my annoying alarm and struggled to get out of bed. I put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt because it was cold outside of my warm bed. I remembered what happened the other day and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I was also nervous for later today, but shaking it off knowing I have supportive parents. My mom knocked on the door.

"Come in." I told her. She opened the door and she was already in her nice work clothes, heels loud on my floor.

"I talked to Nel yesterday and she was really happy for you guys. I would've told you last night but you were sound asleep and I didn't want to bother you. And, yes, she said she won't tell Mitch that she knows about you two." she said after she hugged me.

"Thanks Mom."

"No problem, Scottie Buckets." She ruffled my hair. "I have to go to work, so please get to school on time. Dad already left."

"Ok. Bye Mom!" I said as she gave me another tight squeeze and left my room. I waited until I heard the front door close to get dressed for school. I got out of my lazy clothes and quickly put on my navy dress pants and a light pink button up. Maybe that's too gay. I changed into a light grey short sleeve button up and felt satisfied. I decided against a bow tie, but I wear one almost every other day. I checked my phone for any new notifications but figured I didn't have time to look them over. It would take at least fifteen minutes, and I had to leave then and I still haven't eaten breakfast or packed up my school stuff. I placed my phone in my pocket and headed downstairs for some cereal. I found the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and started eating. My thoughts always went back to Mitch. We still have a lot to plan out tonight, well, this afternoon, and not much time to do so. Should I tell him that I told my parents? Maybe not, considering he didn't tell his. I hope he didn't tell his mom because that would ruin the surprise. The surprise I'm thinking of is going to an after party and giving him the ring then, after we've told everyone. Does that sound like a good idea? I've put way too much thought into this, but I think Mitch deserves it. I know that there hasn't been much time to plan out everything, but I think I can pull it off. We are serious boyfriends after all. I'm 99% sure that I want to live with Mitch my entire life. I know that sounds insane for a high schooler to think, but I've been best friends with him for about ten years now, and I heard that best friends are soulmates. I had to snap out of my thoughts to grab all my stuff and head over to school. It takes about ten minutes to drive there and it's 7:30 right now. I was able to get there at 7:41, just enough time to get what I need from my locker before Mitch gets here.

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