Monday (VII)

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348 words

"You know Scottie. We can't keep this a secret forever. We have to tell them somehow." Mitch said while we waited at a stop light.

"That's true, but I don't want everyone freaking out just because we're dating now." I said into his ear as I saw someone pull up next to us.

I heard a whistle from a car next to us. Oh, great. It's the popular cheerleaders. Even they ship us? Are you kidding?

"Shut the fuck up and leave us alone!" I yelled to them. They all jumped at my comment right as the light turned green. I sped ahead trying to get out of their view.

"Calm down, Scottie. It's ok." Mitch said to me while I slowed down.

"Sorry, I'm just frustrated that people keep talking about us." I said, clearly annoyed.

"We only have to wait four days, then we can do what ever we want and no one would care." he said squeezing my hand.

"But people would wanna know everything about our relationship." I said, parking in the school parking lot.
"That's true, but they'll only wanna do that anywhere from a week to a month. I don't know, but after that, no one would want to know what happens after school." he said, lifting a perfect eyebrow.

"Already?" I asked with a chuckle. Desperate little Mitchy.

"I'm expecting it on prom night, you know that correct?" he asked me with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked as I pecked his cheek and got out of the car. I could see the clear blush on his cheeks. It took him a while to get out of the car, but he finally did and I was already in the other side, extending my arm for him to latch on to. He held my arm tightly, but this time, lovingly, not friendly, and I enjoyed every second of it. I hoped that no one could tell the difference between earlier this morning and now, but I liked the change. The bell rang so we hugged once more before I headed off to history, my least favorite class.

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