Tuesday (IV)

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"So, I was thinking about going suit shopping tomorrow. What do you think?" I asked his as I closed the door to his room. I told Mitch's mom earlier that I wouldn't let anything get too far because we have to plan out the week.

"Are you kidding? We already have suits from my uncle's wedding a few months ago. We don't need to spend extra money." Mitch looked at me like I was crazy.

"I wanna get matching suits. I thought about a color scheme for us. I thought pink and white suits would be cute. Plus, it's prom! We should be able to get what ever we want! Our parents would love the idea of matching suits!" I reasoned. It obviously worked because Mitch thought about it like his life depended on it.

"Like what kind of pink? Light or hot?" Mitch asked a few moments later.

"Light." I replied. He thought about it again then responded.

"I think it'll work. What day were you thinking on going?" Mitch asked.

"I was thinking tomorrow. Is that okay?" I asked.

"I don't think I have anything tomorrow so I think it'll work. Should I ask my mom?" Mitch asked and started towards the door.

"I think that's a good idea. I already told my parents about it so I just need to confirm it with them. You go ahead and tell your mom downstairs. I'll be there in a moment." I said and got out my phone.

"Okay." Mitch left the room and left the door wide open. I texted my mom telling her that Mitch is confirming it with his mom, then I went downstairs, but stopped by Mitch halfway doen the stairs.

"She thinks it's a great idea! But she's got work tomorrow so she won't be able to come with us." Mitch said as he led me back up into his room. I texted my mom to confirm it on the way up.

"Okay. I just texted my mom to confirm it. It'll be fine that she can't come, Kirstie and Jeremy would be able to come as well." I said as I closed his door, again.

"That's great! Now what are we gonna do for the next hour?" Mitch asked me.

"Are you serious? You're the one who has the flat screen tv! You have an xbox too you know." I was hoping that he wouldn't want to try anything.

"But you said that we should continue where we left off earlier today." Mitch said, a little whiny.

"Oh, shit. I forgot about that. Sorry. Um, maybe just a little bit. We can't go too far though."

"Why?" Mitch asked me while he played with the collar on my dress shirt.

"Because your mom's still here. But we can still get pretty far." I pulled him close and kissed him. He let out a surprised squeal and latched himself onto me with his arms. I tried to deepen it by lightly pushing him onto the bed. we broke the kiss as he fell on the bed and bounced a little. He re-positioned himself so he was laying with his head on the pillow. I went on the bed on all fours and crawled up to him. I kissed him again, but going right into the part involving out whole mouths instead of just our lips. I felt up and down his sides while he latched onto my neck. I wasn't putting all my weight on him, but just enough to apply the right pressure to the kiss. My hands felt underneath his shirt and he started to unbutton my shirt, starting with the top button. He struggled to unbutton all the buttons because he couldn't see them, but he managed. He undid the final button and pushed the shirt off my shoulders. I let go of him to shrug off my shirt and I neatly placed it on the edge of the bed, never breaking the kiss. I used my hands to unbutton his shirt. I was able to undo all the buttons, but I left the shirt on his shoulders. I felt up and down his bare torso while he did the same to me. I was too caught up in the moment to realize what I was really doing. I stopped the kiss short because I was finally able to think straight. It was really hard with the boy of my dreams connected to me, but it took me a bit.

"Why'd you stop?" Mitch sat up and asked me as I got off of him and reached for my shirt.

"I was too caught up in the moment to realize that your mom's still here." I answered.

"Whatddya mean?"

"I'm saying that you're such a good kisser that it makes me forget everything going on around me and all I can focus on is you." I said, earning a blush from him as I put on my shirt, not even bothering to button it up.

"Thanks Scottie." he said and started to button up his shirt. I stopped him.

"Don't do that, it'll cover up your beauty." I unbuttoned the bottom button that he just did.

"Really?" Mitch asked, in pure shock that I would say that.

"Yeah. You're the most beautiful person I know." I said truthfully.

"Really? Thank you." he said and hugged me. We were still sitting on the bed so it was a little bit awkward, but it was still genuine. We were sitting there hugging for several minutes because we enjoy each other's presence. I mean I do, but I'm not 100% sure. I'll stay positive. I think he loves me more than I know.

"I love you." I told him truthfully.

"I love you too." He said without hesitation. I pecked him on the forehead then gave him a quick peck on the lips before getting up.

"Why are you-?"

"Because I actually wanna play one of the many games on your xbox that you have." I said and sat down in front of his tv and turned on the gaming system.

"Okay." he said skeptically.


"It's just that you changed your mind so quickly."

"Well, you don't want your mom walking in on us, do you?" I asked, trying to make a point.

"Then why won't you let me button up my shirt? Won't she be skeptical about it?" Mitch was really questioning my logic.

"First, because I wanna see that all the time, and second, it's a little warm in here so we can use that as an excuse." I said. I started to think about what she would actually think, because she knows Mitch and I are together, but Mitch doesn't know that.

"I guess you're right. What game do you wanna play?" he asked as he went behind me and placed his arms loosely around my neck.

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