Tuesday (V)

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"See ya tomorrow, Mitchie! Have fun at piano practice!" I said as I walked out the front door. I'm really gonna miss him, even though it's only for about fifteen hours. I drove home, and funny enough, my parents were at the door like they were waiting for me to come home.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as I placed my bag by the stairs. My parents were watching me like something had happened to me.

"Well, I'm terrible sorry for saying this, but we were only able to find $500 for the promise rings. I'm sure you'd want one too, correct?" My mom said in a sad tone.

"Yeah, but isn't that enough?" I asked them skeptically.

"We looked online to see if they had anything before we went there, and we found the perfect pair, but they were over $1000." My dad chipped in. I stood there, shocked. I didn't realize the cost.

"Oh." I looked down and a few tears blurred my vision. "I'll be back, I need a second." I rushed up into my room and closed the door. I curled up in a ball on my bed and cried softly. That boy is everything to me. I had everything planned out (except for when I give the ring to him) and this ruins everything. I heard someone open the door. I heard loud heels on my floor so I figured it was mom.

"Oh, honey. It'll be alright. I'm sure we can think of something." My mom cooed as she lightly rubbed my shoulder.

"Where's dad?" I managed to ask even with a shaky voice.

"He's making a call. He wouldn't tell me who he's calling or why so I don't know what he's doing."

"Okay." I tried to pull myself together as I sat up. I hugged my mom as tightly as I could without breaking her.

"Thanks for the help mom. I know it's not much but it helps." I said to her.

"You're welcome. I knew you two would end up together from the moment you came out to me." She played with my hair.

"Thanks mom." Dad walked in the door.

"I have some great news!" he exclaimed and my mom stood up.

"What is it? Please tell me it's about the rings." she said.

"It is." he said and put his hands on his hips triumphantly. It was my turn to stand up and ask him what it was. "Well, I talked to Nel about the whole situation, and she promised not to tell Mitch anything, and she said that she would pay the rest of the cost to get the rings!" I jumped up excitedly and practically squeezed the life out of my dad.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I exclaimed over and over again.

"Now let's go get you these rings." Mom said.

"How will she be able to pay the difference?" I asked and broke out of the hug with my dad.

"She's coming of course!" Mom exclaimed.

"But won't Mitch find it suspicious that she left to get groceries but comes home with nothing?" I asked.

"The jeweler that we're going to is in the mall so she can do her grocery shopping while we are finding the rings." Mom said, like she planned it all out before.

"Okay. Thanks so much you guys!" I said to both of them.

"You're welcome sweetie. This is for us too." Mom said.

"Whaddya mean, it's for you too?"

"Ever since you came out to us, we knew you two would end up getting married. And we're ecstatic that you decided that it's gonna happen." Dad chipped in.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go now!" I exclaimed, impatient to see what my parents chose.

"Yeah, what are we waiting for?" Dad said as he let me and my mom pass through the door.

I excitedly went outside and towards my mom's car as my dad called Nel. My mom had to find her keys because she always looses them. The car door was locked and I felt like an excited five year old ready for Disneyland. It felt like it to me.

"Hold on one second, lemme find my keys." she called through the open front door that I accidentally left open.

I knew exactly where they were so I went back inside and grabbed them off the kitchen counter.

"You mean these keys?" I showed her. Dad hung up on the phone.

"Yes thank you." "She'll be there, but she'll be a little late." They overlapped a little bit.

"Okay." Mom and I said in unison. "That's fine." she said. We got into the now unlocked Honda civic and my mom drove us to the mall. I could hardly sit in my seat the whole time. We got there after about ten minutes and I jumped out of the car. I mentally told myself to stay calm and keep my cool because I don't wanna make a fool of myself. We went inside and found the jewelers place. I stepped inside and there was so much jewelry in this one tiny place that it would take millions of dollars to buy out the place.

"Hello and welcome to Kay jewelers. How may I help you?" the lady behind the desk said to us, the only customers in the store.

"Hi, um. My son here would like to get a promise ring for his boyfriend." Mom covered it for me so I don't have to talk to random strangers. Thank the lord for confident mothers.

"What kind would you like?" She sounded really nice and caring. I'm just happy she doesn't care that I'm a homosexual.

"I looked online and I like your striking silver band pair. Do you have any of those here?" Mom asked.

"As a matter of fact we do. They're right here." She pointed to a small, blue velvet box in a glass case. She opened the case and took out the box. She opened it and I saw two beautiful rings. They were identical silver rings with a small, wavy, intricate design. "Do these work for you?" She asked me.

"They're perfect!" I wanted to take them right then and there.

"We have to get them sized now, so follow me." We followed her to the corner of the room to get mine sized. I'm apparently a size 8. My mom's hands are the exact same as Mitch's so they used her hand for Mitch's. He is a size 6.5. Then she told us that it would take about an hour to get the rings to size and that we could do what ever we wanted until then. We walked around the mall for about fifteen minutes, then we found Nel. All together we walked around, helping Nel with her grocery shopping. After about an hour, we went back to the jewelers together to find my rings done and waiting for me.

"You're back! The rings are all ready for you. That'll be $1024." the nice lady told us.

"I have 500 of it, and she'll pay the rest." Dad said and handed the clerk the cash. Nel handed the clerk $530 in cash. I guess she went to the ATM before this or something. we said our goodbyes and walked out of the store, me holding a small paper bag with the navy velvet box in it, and a smile as big as Texas. We said goodbye to Nel and she continued shopping while me and my parents went home. I couldn't be happier about what I did, and I could barely sleep because of my excitement, but I was still able to get in about 7-8 hours.

Sorry this was a little late, but I kinda forgot about it because HALLELUJAH HIT 10M VIEWS AND MEGHAN TRAINER TWEETED ABOUT IT AND ITS GOING VIRAL THROUGHOUT THE INTERNET AND I can't stop watching it omg. I think it's become an obsession? Idk. It definitely deserves this kind of attention it's getting. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, and please vote! I'll love you forever if you did! Even though I already love you all. Thanks for reading this story. I never thought it'd get IS far with over 500 reads!?!? I thought this book was trash! But, Bonnie Boy is a lot better, and the first couple chapters are up. Remember, I love you, and stay you! 😘

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