Monday (VIII)

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463 words

Class was the most boring thing ever. All the teacher talked about was the causes of the Cold War, and that is the most boring thing to me. I zoned out most of the time, planning on how to tell the masses about us. I thought about bringing him into the bathroom and getting us "caught". Or we could just make out in the open. Or tell them that we're faking it just to see their reactions. I think that's a good plan. Or the first one. I don't know, I'll plan the rest out when Mitch is right next to me.

"right Scott?" I heard the teacher ask me from the front of the classroom, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I asked him sitting up in my chair. Some classmates started giggling.

"I asked you what year the Cold War started." he said, trying to hide the irritation but failing.

"I don't know, sir." I replied and looked down at my hands in my lap.

"Have you been doing your reading Scott?" He asked with slight disappointment.

"No." I said softly.

"Why haven't you? You don't play any sports so you should have loads of free time. Oh wait. You don't have free time because you've been spending all your time with your boyfriend Mitch." he said. I heard some oohs from the people around me. That's partially true, I do spend time with him, but we're not boyfriends. Yet.

"Up, there it is!" I heard a girl say from the opposite side of the classroom.

"I'm sorry, but we are just friends so can you please stop making false assumptions?!?" My voice got louder as I spoke, strangely finding confidence. I immediately felt heavy guilt for denying Mitch so I slumped back into my chair (I guess I stood up) and held my head in my hands, letting the tears flow naturally. I was also mad at the teacher for bringing it up, but it's only going to get worse this entire week.

"Can you guys just not bring this up again, please?" I said desperately, trying to talk through my sobs.
"That's fine, Scott. I didn't know you were sensitive to this. If there are any more problems you can talk to me, ok?" the teacher asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you." I said, wiping the last tear from my face. I looked up to see the teacher continuing the lesson. I knew people were staring but I didn't care at the moment. All I cared about was if Mitch heard me (or rumors spread) and if maybe I hurt him without intending to do so. The bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I packed up my stuff and fled the classroom, dreading all the rumors that were going to spread like wildfire.

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