Monday (VI)

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382 words

"Scottie?" he asked when I pulled out of the school in my car.


"Is this our first official date?"

"If that's what you want it to be." I said with a large smile. He kissed me on the cheek and returned to his phone. We got there in a couple of minutes and I opened the door for him like I always do. We got our burrito bowls and sat down at one of the tables.

"We can't keep this a secret forever, you know that right?" he asked me with a little worry in his voice.

"I was planning on telling or rather showing everyone at prom. What do you think about that?" I asked him nervously. That's also when I was gonna ask him to be my boyfriend.

"That's a good plan. I think it'll work. But won't everyone freak out?" he asked with clear worry in his voice.

"How can we tell them without them freaking out?" I said quietly so no one could eavesdrop.

"True." We sat in silence for a few minutes while we ate.

"But Scottie, won't we be the first gay couple at prom?" he asked me quietly.

"I think so." I said with a smile. "We could be legends, or we could not be able to go and everyone shuns us."

"That's a lie! No one would hate us for going! They would love us!"

"They would love us too much though!" I said, I guess too loud because people started to look at us.

"Yeah, but we can't keep it a secret forever." he said, making a point.

"You know what, can we go somewhere else? I think people are staring." I said while standing up.

"Yeah, sure. Where would we go?" he asked me while throwing away our trash.

"We could go back to the school because lunch ends in," I looked at my phone to check the time, "20 minutes, just enough time to figure things out." I said, grabbing his hand and walking to the door.

I drove back to the school in silence, my left hand holding the steering wheel and my right hand holding his. Mitch was letting his hair flow in the breeze. My car was a convertible, grey '05 mustang. I don't know how my dad got a hold of it, but he gave it to me on my 16th birthday. Mitch loved it, so that's why I drive it everywhere with him.

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