Friday (IV)

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"What's up Martin High!" The DJ said through the microphone. I'm guessing he's announcing the last song. "I know it's been a long night for several of us, and it's almost to a close. So why not finish this up on a high note? Huh?" Everyone cheered, then a random slow song I don't know came on. I turned around and Mitch was right there. "Find your partners, find your dates because this one's the last song of the night. I hope everyone had a great night! I know I did. Lets enjoy this last moment with each other, and have a great rest of the night!" The DJ said to us.

"Dance?" I asked Mitch. I didn't need to say anything else.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" He paused. "Ready for this Scottie?" He asked me. I knew he was referring to the reveal, but I was thinking of both things.

"More than ready." Not really, but that's okay. He doesn't know what I'm giving him. I grabbed his waist, bringing his as close to me as humanly possible. He wrapped his arms around my neck, locking him in place. We were looking into each other's eyes, oblivious to the things going on around us. I couldn't stop the smile that was on my face. He's just so beautiful I don't know how he became mine. But that's okay, because he's gonna be mine for the rest of our lives.

The last chorus of the song started, and I knew it was time. "Hey Mitchy?" I asked him to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He must have thought this was the time. Well, it's time for more than this.

"Um. I. Well, I wanna give you something." I let go of him and reached into my pocket and got out the flat ring holder. I know, it's crazy.

"Scott! You didn't have to! Oh my god." He put his hands over his eyes and started crying.

"No, don't cry! Please." I took his hands away from his face. His eyes were red and a tear fell down his cheek. I wiped the tear away then opened the holder, exposing the ring. He gasped and cried harder. I stayed standing up cause that would have been weird to bend down on one knee. I tried to remember what I had written down, but I couldn't remember parts, so I improvised.

"Mitchy, I knew from the second we started dating that we'd be together forever. I knew what I needed to do to show you that I love you so much and it would kill me to see you leave and be with another boy." I paused to regain my thoughts. "So, Mitch, this is a promise ring. I promise that one day I will be marrying you. And that I do wanna spend the rest of my life with you, and only you." I told him, my voice wasn't as shaky as I thought it'd be. Fucking finally. I took out the ring and placed it on Mitch's left ring finger. His hands were just as shaky as mine. I tuned out everyone around us, as the only thing that was important to me was the boy in front of me, who will be my future husband.

"Scott, I. I didn't know. I, don't know what to say." He looked back up at me, huge smile on his face, holding back tears. I smiled, brought him closer, and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed back and molded his body against mine. He wrapped his arms around my neck, locking him in place. I ignored all the cheers around me as I focused on Mitch in front of me. I slightly pulled away, resting my forehead on his.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you, too." He responded, then leaned in for another kiss. This one was longer, as we stayed there for several moments. I pulled away after awhile, not wanting to cause too much of a scene, which already happened. I pulled Mitch into a hug, and held him as tightly as possible. I could feel him crying into me, and I couldn't help but let out a tear of my own. I noticed everyone chanting "scomiche" as loud as they could. It made me smile a bit. They actually support us. Another tear slipped out.

"You hear them, Mitchy?" I asked into his ear.

"Yeah." He responded, but it was soft. I partially broke the hug, but still held him close. The chanting was encouraging to me and it boosted my confidence. So I kissed him. My future husband. My one and only. My Mitch. My beautiful, talented Mitchy. All mine.

Well, I guess the Prom didn't end up being closeted at all. Not that I care much anyways.

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