Monday (IX)

130 7 2

The winner if my writing contest is.......
just_glambert_things!!!! Good job! I loved it! For those who wanna know what it's about, it's where Scott, a chipotle worker, goes to starbucks all the time and keeps seeing Mitch, so he decided to give him his number for dinner or something. What I really liked about it was that it didn't tell the POV until the end of the story. Thank you to all who participated!

Now on with the next chapter! (703 words)

I couldn't forget everything that happened in history class, even though I tried to, I couldn't. It was weighing me down a lot more than it should have. I knew what I had to do. I would talk to him before he heard any rumors. That's a good idea. Speaking of Mitch, I saw him running down the hall right towards me. I dropped my bag and swept him up into my arms, picking him up and swinging him around a couple times. God, his giggle is everything.

"I know what you're going to say." I said, putting Mitch down and bringing a finger to his lips before he could say anything.

"I missed you too sweetheart." I said as I retracted my hand and grabbed my bag.

"I missed you more." he said back. I let out a small laugh.

"You really think so?" I asked smirking. "I wish I could show you, but we have to wait until Friday to do that.

And even then," I paused to get closer to his ear so no one could hear what I had to say, "I don't think they'll want to see what I have in store for you."

"Oh my god, Scott!" he said, lightly slapping my arm.

"What?" He gave me that look that I always love. I laughed and he couldn't hold back a smile.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked hesitantly. His smile dropped. "It's nothing too terrible." I said reassuring him. "Can we go somewhere where no one else can hear?"

"Is this about..." he pointed at himself then at me. I nodded and lightly grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom.

"Today in class, the teacher kinda brought up our relationship." I said dreading the next part, so I said it really quickly. "I didn't want them to go crazy so I denied being in a relationship with you and I felt really bad and I cried in class and-"

"Shhhh. It's ok, Scottie. I don't care if you say that this week. But after we give the big reveal, I'll care. But for now, it doesn't matter. Ok?" he said calming me down by rubbing my arms. I nodded in response and he pulled me into a hug.

I kissed the top of his forehead and said, "I love you."

"I love you too." he said before slightly pulling away and kissing me. I pulled away after a few seconds. He silently asked me why I didn't let it go on longer.

"Because I don't wanna get caught!" I said quietly. I hugged him and gave him a short kiss on the forehead. He pulled away from the hug after a few seconds and gave me a quick peck on the lips before leaving my embrace. He started to walk out of the bathroom but stopped at the door.

"Don't wanna be late for class." he said with a small laugh.

"Haha, yeah. Why don't I stay a little bit longer so it doesn't look suspicious?" I asked while walking over to a stall.

"Sounds good. Love ya Scottie." he said and made a kissy noise.

"Love ya too." I said and closed the stall door. I heard the bathroom door close so I pulled out my phone and checked my notifications. It's mostly Twitter mentions talking about how scömíche (as the shippers called it) is confirmed. I looked at the pictures and realized that I was giving him heart eyes. Wow. They knew I was in love with him even before I knew. I put my phone away and exited the stall. I tried not to think about it as I left the bathroom and walked over to religion class.

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