Monday (II)

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Please let me know if you are enjoying this so far. I know it isn't much yet, but more is coming! Love ya! 717 words

The bell finally rang and I was already packed up and anxious to see Mitch again. I was the first one out the door and turned to see Mitch was the first one out as well. I engulfed him in another large hug.

"I missed you too Michelle." I said with a chuckle.

"Wait, are you guys a thing now?" A random girl asked me excitedly.

"No, we're not. We're completely platonic."

"Platonic my ass." she said and walked away. Yes, pretty much everyone ships me with Mitch. Even some of the teachers. It makes me uncomfortable, but I can't do anything about it besides asking him to prom which I was going to do. Yes, I have a slight crush on my best friend. I don't think he likes me back though. It's worth a shot.

"Can we get some food from the caf?" I asked when my stomach growled.

"Oh my god I was just thinking about that. Let's go! I have some money in my bag." We broke our embrace just to hold hands walking down the hallway to the cafeteria. He leaned his head on my shoulder and hugged my arm as we walked. That's normal for us if any of you are thinking differently.

We got there and Mitch groaned at how long the line was.

"You know what? There's a coffee shop just off campus. Wanna go?" I offered, knowing that he loves coffee.

"Um. Duh. Why would I not wanna go there?" he said, stating the obvious.

We walked over to the Starbucks that was close to campus. Our fingers were laced together the whole time. We walked in silence until he spoke up.

"Hey, Scott?"


"Are you planning on going to prom that's on Friday?" he said looking down nervously.

"Yeah, why?" I asked nervously, hoping that he wouldn't ask me who I would like to go with.

"Are you gonna ask anyone?" he asked lightly elbowing me in the side, but I could hear the hesitantitity in his voice.

"Well, I was thinking about doing it today, but I forgot to get the flowers and maybe some chocolates if I felt like it." I started getting nervous and my hand started sweating. Luckily it was warm outside so I had an excuse. Was I gonna ask him right then and there? No, maybe I'll wait.

"Oh. Who are you gonna ask?"

You. "I'm not telling." I said with a smirk.

"Oh come on. At least tell me the gender." he said with slight annoyance.

"Fine. I wanna ask this girl, but she's younger than me, so I don't know what she's gonna say." I said, attempting to hint that it was him because he's a junior and I'm a senior and I refer to him as a queen sometimes.

"Oh, I see. I can't answer for her, but I wish you luck! What does she look like?" he asked with fake excitement and a little disappointment in his voice.

"She's cute, she's sassy, she's about five ten, she has long brunette hair." I said, trying not to describe Mitch too much.

"Well, good luck! I hope she agreed to go with you!" he said with fake excitement.

"Are you planning on going with anyone, yourself?" I asked him hoping that he'll be the sassy queen she is and go alone.

"I think I'll go alone. You know, the usual."

I hummed in response. Dammit Scott. Why'd you have to be so goddamn nervous? I'll ask him later, hopefully, if I can get the nerves to do it.

We reached the shop and I opened the door for him. He nodded a thank you and stepped inside. He ordered for me as I stood behind him and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck.

"You guys are too cute." The barista said.

"We're not dating, we're just best friends." I said politely, trying to hide the fact that I want to date him. It was normal to deny my feelings at this point.

"Oh, I see. Well enjoy your coffee!" She gave us our drinks and we left, hand in hand like always.

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