Monday (XIII)

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1660 words

I pulled up into my driveway to see Mitch's car already there. I guess he was too excited to be here. I got out of my car and walked up to the door, seeing Mitch standing there.

"You're late." Mitch said playfully stern as I was unlocking the front door.

"Sorry, but I wasn't speeding to get here." I said and I opened the door and turned on the lights. "Wanna play COD?" I asked as I placed my backpack on the counter and walked over to the living room. I had my Xbox set up in there because that TV was the largest one my family owned. Plus there was more room to mess around.
"Nah, it's too masc for me." Mitch replied and I laughed. "Mario Kart?" he asked and sat down on the couch.
"Of course babe." I said and sat down next to him, leaning in to kiss him.

"Wait, are your parents home?" he asked me and placed a hand on my chest to push me away a little bit.
"No, they'll come home later, about four or maybe five." I said and I saw relief sweep his eyes. I lightly grabbed his waist and brought ourselves closer to each other. He wrapped his arms around my neck as our lips danced to a perfect harmony. This was everything I've ever wanted it to be. We've never had this kind of privacy to do what we want. I felt like I was on cloud 9 and that it couldn't get any better. Well, that's what I thought until he opened his mouth and let me explore. I felt nothing I've ever felt before, and I could sit here all damn day. We were at it for what felt like forever until he broke the kiss.

"That was amazing Scottie, but this isn't what I came here for." he said breathlessly.

"What did you come here for?" I asked, a little concerned at what he was planning. He stifled a laugh then got up off the couch and grabbed two controllers.

"Mario Kart?" he asked with a smirk.

"1000% yes!" I said and he tossed me the controller. I turned on the Xbox and opened up the game. "Are you ready for me to kick your ass?"

"Not if I do it first!" he said as he selected his character.

"Princess Peach, huh?" I asked, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Why not? Fuck gender barriers." I laughed and selected a track. We sat there and played a few more rounds until he finally won one. But I let him do it.

"I won!" he exclaimed happily and danced around the room.

"No, I let you win. But congrats anyway babe." he sat back down next to me and kissed me. I could feel him smiling into it. Just as I was about to deepen it, I heard the front door open. I scrambled to break away and grab my controller that I guess I dropped, to make it look like we were playing. He did the same thing with panic flashing in his eyes. I hurriedly selected a race track, not even caring which one it was.

"Hey mom." I said as I heard her heels on the floor of the kitchen that was right next to the living room. My attention didn't falter from the screen as the race started.

"Hey Scottie Buckets. I see you brought Mitch home. I thought it was your turn to stay at his house." she said, but it sounded more like a question.

"I stayed at his house on Saturday." I said, keeping my eyes glued to the screen as I raced Mitch. "Yes! I'mna get you now!" I exclaimed when I grabbed a turtle shell from a mystery box.

"No you aren't!" he said, but I still beat him. I guess I selected a track that was only one lap.

"Haha! Gotcha! Look who's the winner now!" I said and Mitch stuck his tongue out at me. I playfully bopped his nose and he giggled. "Let's go upstairs." I motioned for Mitch to follow me. "Mom! Mitch and I will be in my room for awhile!" I yelled to my mom as I was already up the flight of stairs, Mitch at my heels.

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