Monday (XIV)

115 7 1

Scomiche_lofe requested another update, so here you go! 1098 words

I could barely focus on my work because I was thinking about Mitch. Yeah, he's my boyfriend now, but I wanna get him a promise ring. How could I do that? I have no money, my parents have it all, and I'm a mess when I'm nervous. I think I could tell them so I could get that ring for him. He has piano practice tomorrow at four, so that's a good time to get it. I'll do that. If my parents accept it. Me, being boyfriends with my best friend of eight years. Let's hope that's ok with them. I mean, I still have Kirstie and Kevin to hang out with if Mitch doesn't work out. I hope we work out. What would I do if he-

*knock *knock *knock

"Dinner's ready!" my mom said and I heard her heels fade away. I got up and walked down to the kitchen to see the food already on the table. That's odd. I usually choose what and how much I want to eat.

"Come, sit down. We have a lot to talk about."

"Okay." I said, a little scared for what they were about to say.

"Don't worry, It's all good news. And I'd like to know about your day." That calmed me a little. I sat down in the seat opposite to my mother and started eating my soup.

"So, I've been really happy lately because I got a pay raise at work today!" my dad said happily.

"That's great sweetie! Does your work times change at all?" she said, slightly worried.

"I'm happy they don't. My boss decided that he was being too greedy so he increased our salaries by $10 an hour!" There was nothing that could wipe the smile off his face at the moment.

"That's not much." I said, chipping in.

"It might not seem like it now, but it'll help in the long run." my mom said. "So what happened at school today?"

I sighed. "Spanish was a drag, like always. About halfway through Biology, there was a lock down." Mom gasped. "No one got hurt, it was just a, what they called it, a 'large animal'. I ended up having to go into a closet and hide. I dragged Mitch with me because he was bawling his eyes out he was so scared. It was funny at first, but then he wouldn't stop so I had to take care of him." Mom awwed. "Yeah. But it eventually led me to asking him out to prom." They were about to say something but I stopped them. "Wait! Before you say anything, you have to keep it a secret, ok?" They nodded, encouraging me to go on. "He said yes, so I am going to prom with him. And it's not as a joke, like how some best friends do. And as of today, he's now m-my boyfriend. Is that ok w-with you g-guys?" Damnit I was nervous.

"Don't be nervous! We've known you two were bound to be together some time. But why'd you tell me differently earler?" Shit.

"Um, I didn't want Mitch's mom to know? And I was originally planning on telling you guys after prom, but I felt over-confident today I guess." I shrugged.

"Well, son, I'm happy you told us tonight instead." my dad said as he patted me on the back. I continued eating my soup until it was almost gone.

"I also need your help." I said looking up at them.

"Is it finding a suit?" my mom asked.

"No, I was planning on doing that with Mitch probably Wednesday. I, um." I paused. I was so fucking nervous. "I-I wanna g-get him a, a p-promise ring and I-"

"OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?" my mom asked overly exited. All I could do was nod my head.
"And I didn't know if you guys would be ok with me getting one for him." I asked slowly, trying not to stutter. Again.

"We're more than ok for you to get him one! I don't care how much that damn ring will cost. I'll get it. That boy is more than perfect for you!" she said, standing up to put her dishes in the sink.

"Thanks Mom." I said as I took the last bite of my soup and walked over to place my dishes by the sink.
"No problem sweetie. When is a good time to get it for him? I know you'll want to give it to him the day of, right?" she asked me as Dad dropped off his dishes in the sink.

"Yeah. I was thinking about getting it tomorrow because I don't know how long it'll take and Mitch has piano practice at four." I said confidently this time. I put a lot of time and effort into how I was gonna tell them.

"That's a good idea. Do you know how long it took me to find the perfect ring for your mother?" my dad asked. I shook my head. "It took me five hours just to find the perfect ring for my perfect someone." he said sweetly. My mom awwed and kissed him. I looked away because I wasn't a fan of straight people showing their love. I didn't hate it, but I wouldn't voluntarily watch it.

"So we're going after I get back from Mitch's house tomorrow, right?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Mhm. Would you like us to inform Mrs. Grassi so she's in on the surprise as well?" Mom asked.

My immediate answer was no, but then I realized that If she figured it out and Mom told her about it, she wouldn't freak out.

"Yeah, but tell her not to talk to Mitch about it. I want it to be a surprise." I said before walking towards the stairs.

"I will. Goodnight Scottie!" Mom said while grabbing her phone.

"Night Mom! Night Dad!" I climbed the stairs, went into my room and closed the door. Today was a long, exciting day. I still had some homework to do, and that included choir. I was dreading it because it was basically my life in a song. It took me about an hour, but I finished all my homework and I crashed onto my bed, ready for sleep. I wanted that day to be over so I could live the next. I didn't bother to change, I just took off my pants and my button up to make me more comfortable. Then I crawled underneath the duvets and let my eyes close. I almost forgot to set my alarm. I set it for 7am then got back in bed. I was too tired to think about anything at the moment so I let sleep overcome me.

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