Thursday (V)

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Finally sleep. Ya know, family dinners can be kinda stressful when there are secrets being passed around. Especially when I'm hiding something from Mitch. Well, I'm hiding a few things, and it's really hard. It's hard to not tell him about the rings, not to say a word about my parents knowing. Ugh. I tried to sleep as thoughts swirled my brain. What if he didn't like it? What if I'm going too fast? What if everything fails? What if everyone hates us? What if, what if, what if. I was so tired, but could never sleep. I rolled over to check the time, and, it was eleven. Damnit. I was hoping to get a lot of sleep in before the big night tomorrow. Just the thought of it made my heart start racing. I looked at my phone, silently sitting on my nightstand, charging. Would Mitch still be awake? Maybe. I grabbed my phone and almost turned it on, but then decided not to text him. What if he was asleep? Or worse, what if I woke him up? I put my phone back down and rolled over to the other side or the bed. I finally was able to sleep, reflecting on every good thing that has happened this week. I'm so in love with Mitch it's crazy.

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