Wednesday (I)

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School today wasn't bad, but nothing interesting happened other than stares and the school's 'news' crew asking us more questions. The day flew by because of my excitement for the suit shopping and the promise ring thing. Mitch asked me why I was so jumpy, but I told him that I had a surprise waiting for him, and he does not like waiting for surprises. His reaction was cute though.

I drove home while Mitch drove to his house. We were going to go suit shopping today and we didn't want our parents involved because they wouldn't approve of Mitch's idea. He thought it would be cute if we got outlandish colors like pink. I didn't argue with him, but I knew our parents would either hate it or laugh. I hope they laugh about it.

"Hey Scottie! How was school today?" Mom asked as I walked through the hallway.

"It was good. Mitch is really excited for today and Friday." I said and threw my backpack on my bed and turned around to continue my conversation with my mom.

"Well, that's good. What colors are you planning on getting?"

"It's a surprise!" I replied enthusiastically.

"Are you thinking of getting pink?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that bad?" I answered her question with a question.

"No. I actually kinda like that idea." She replied.

"I was scared that you'd hate the idea." I said truthfully.

"Me and Nel were talking about it earlier today. We were having a few laughs about what colors you guys might chose. She said Mitch would want pink. Typical. And since you're so head-over-heels in love with him, you'd agree with him."

"Mom." I hated it when she teased me like that.

"I'm only telling the truth."

"You are right though." She stifled a laugh.

"What time were you planning on going?" She started towards the kitchen but turned around when she remembered to ask me.

"Just after school. I can ask him." I went into my room and grabbed my phone and texted him.

Me: what time are we going?

Mitchyy: I was thinking 4?

Me: of course!

"He said four would work." I told my mom when I walked into her room. She was sitting on her bed with her laptop on her lap.

"Okay. Just leave whenever then. Make sure to send me pictures!" She said, barely looking up at me.

"I was gonna show you tonight. In person." I said, trying to tell her that it wasn't an option.

"That's fine. Just make sure the color looks good. Who else is going with you?"

"Kirstie and Jeremy."

"That's good. I'll see you later then!"

"See ya!" I left her room and went back into my room to change out of the school dress code. I changed into a tank top and basketball shorts. Typical me.

I drove over to the mall with the suit shop and found Mitch's car, so I parked right next to it. He was waiting by the door, engrossed in his phone. He was wearing a plain black tee with dark blue jeans.

"Where's the other two?" I asked him and he looked up at me.

"It's still a little early. Kit said they'd be a little late." He locked his phone and put it away in his pocket.

"What are they doing?" I asked, hoping for a different answer than what I knew he would say.

"They might be fucking."

"I didn't mean that!" I face palmed. "I meant what was the reason she told you?"

"She said she had to talk to a teacher and there's traffic, but I don't think so." He wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Tease her about it when they get here." I suggested and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed his forehead.

"Why would I not?" He asked me and pulled away from the hug a little bit so I could see his face. He looked like I said something crazy. I laughed.

"Don't give me that look."

"I'll give you what ever look I want to give you." I laughed at that again. He pouted, obviously not happy that I was making fun of him.

"Awe. So cute." Kirstie said as she closed the door of Jeremy's car that was parked right next to mine.

"Oh, shut up. Where were you two?" Mitch said and broke our embrace.

"We were stuck in traffic. Sorry." Jeremy said and locked his car.

"Sure you were." Mitch said and crossed his arms in front of him.

"It's true! No, we weren't doing what you thought." Kirstie said.

"Shall we?" I asked and opened the door for them.

"Such a gentleman." Mitch commented.

"The perfect boyfriend." Kirstie added.

"Shut up you guys." I said playfully as a blush flooded my face.

"Where do we wanna start?" Jeremy asked, not having a clue of what he wants, while Kirstie, Mitch and I have exact pictures in our minds of what we want.

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