Monday (IV)

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This is my fav part so I hope you enjoy! 1447 words

"We should probably go to our lockers before we go to Biology class." I said when we reached the school grounds. We had that class together.

"That sounds like a good idea." We walked up to our lockers that were only a few apart due to our last names.

"You ready munchkin?" I asked trying out the new pet name when I closed my locker.

"Munchkin? Just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean you can call me that." he said with clear sass. I laughed at his response. It was so Mitch of him to do that. We walked over to the science wing, hand in hand.

"Are you guys hiding a secret relationship from us?" Oh, great. The school's "news" team is asking us about it now. They do interviews and boring shit like that.

"No, we are not in a relationship. We're best friends and nothing more. Now get the fuck out of our way before we're late to class." Mitch said with frustration. They parted and left us alone. I could tell Mitch was done with it all.

"I just don't understand why people always ask us. Just leave us alone!" he said firmly as we were walking to class. It's funny to see Mitch this way, and cute.

"Woah, the diva is coming out of her shell today." I laughed and Mitch just glared at me, making me laugh even more.

We continued walking to the biology room with our books in our bags and our Starbucks almost gone. We entered the classroom and sat down at a partnered desk in the back.

"Hello class. Today we will be learning about plant and..." By then I was already zoned out. I had an A in the class so it didn't matter what I was doing right at that moment. I was thinking about how it would be to have Mitch as my own.

"Scott, what is the name of this?" He asked, pointing to a green thing inside a cell. I snapped my head up to the board and back to reality. I guess I was daydreaming for a long time.

"Um, that's the chloroplast of a plant cell." I said tiredly and full of boredom.

"Well done, Scott! Ok class. There is a worksheet that is being passed out and I would like you to have it done by the end of class. If not, then it becomes homework." Mr. Spears said as he was handing out packets. He handed two to me, one for me and one for Mitch.

"This packet is huge!" Mitch complained because the packet was nine pages.

"If you work with Scott, it'll take most of the class time, then you'll have the rest of class to yourselves." Mr. Spears said.

"He does have a point. Wanna work together?" I asked Mitch when Mr. Spears left.

"Sure. Can we start from the back?"

I chuckled. "Of course." He always wants to work from the back to the front, and I never know why. We were working on our worksheets for about fifteen minutes. Then someone went on the PA.

"We have a lockdown. I repeat. We have a lockdown. There is an unknown animal near the math wing. Lockdown."

Most of the girls in the class screamed, but I stayed calm.

"Mitch, we'll be fine, don't worry." He was almost crying in fear.

"Ok class, listen up! Calm down and find a safe place to go. I don't know how big this animal is, so try to stay calm and quiet." Mr. Spears said, calming the class.

I dragged Mitch into an empty closet, but had to shoo away some girls because there was only room for two. They smirked and walked away.

"You'll be fine, Mitch. I've got you." I whispered in his ear while hugging him for dear life. I heard the soft sobs from him and held him tighter. I kept whispering calming things into his ear as he slowly calmed down.

"I've got you Mitchie." He finally calmed down and looked up at me. I looked back down to him as he looked from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. I knew what he wanted and also why he was so disappointed when I told him that I would go to prom with someone else.

"Hey, Mitchie. I just wanted to tell you, that I was partially lying about who I wanted to go to prom with." I was very nervous at this point.

"Who do you wanna go with?" he had sadness and disappointment laced in his voice.

"Well, I wanna go with a sassy queen who has beautiful chocolate brown eyes and the short brown hair to match. She looks stunning all the time and she hangs out with me every day." I waited for his response.

"Tell me more about her." he said fiddling with the collar on my shirt. He was playing along with me wanting more compliments.

"Her eyebrows are snached always, she carries around a Celine hand bag that suits her personality, she is cute, she's sassy, she's, for a lack of better words, flawless. I am best friends with her, she is wearing a tropical shirt with black jeans today." His smile widened when he looked down to see what he was wearing. "And the best thing about it all, is that she's standing right in front of me." I said with a huge smile on my face. "So, Mitch. I have a question for you."

"I think I already know my answer." He said with the largest smile on his face I've ever seen.

"You do? What's your answer?" I asked playfully.

"I will go to prom. But not with just any random guy. There's this guy that I've liked for a long time and I've never told you about him. He has beautiful, wavy blonde hair and non-existent eyebrows." He chuckled at his own little joke. "He is one of the most muscular choir nerds I've ever met." he said while dragging his hands along my biceps, still looking into my eyes. "His eyes are a baby blue and I get lost in them daily. He is, for a lack of better words, flawless." I couldn't wipe the smile off my face no matter how hard I tried. "He is wearing a red and black flannel with grey jeans and a grey beanie with glasses."

"What's his name?" I asked, playing along with his game.

"If I told you, you would know exactly who he is. I'll describe more of him if you want."

"Of course." I loved compliments.

"He has a jawline that I would love to be able to hold or even kiss daily." he said while cupping my jaw and rubbing his thumb over my cheek. "And the best part of this," he leaned closer to me with his lips centimeters from mine. "is that the boy is right in front of me. So yes, I am going to prom, but I'm going with you." he said as he stood up on the tips of his toes and leaned closer to my face. I smiled and cupped his cheeks as I met him in the middle for a kiss. I felt like there was lava coursing through my veins and fire on my skin. He pulled away after a few seconds, but those seconds felt like minutes.

"That was amazing." I said more to myself than anyone else.

"Can we do it again?" he asked and leaned in again.

"Why wouldn't I want to?" I asked with our lips a centimeter apart. He smiled and leaned in again. Our lips moved in harmony and I couldn't believe that I was kissing my best friend, and enjoying it. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, but I denied.

"I wanna do that too, but we can't here. What if someone hears us?" I said quietly.

"True. We can continue this at my house." he said and winked. Just then I heard the PA again.

"The mysterious animal was taken away by animal control so we are all safe now. You may exit the classrooms for break then lunch. Thank you."

Everyone rushed to get outside, but I wanted to stay with Mitch a little longer.

"Scott, I know you wanna stay here, and so do I. But we don't wanna look suspicious do we?" he asked me quietly. I nodded in response and he opened the door. We were greeted by some girls, asking us questions.

"No, we did nothing in there, we were just standing." I denied, hoping that he wouldn't mind.

"Why does everyone think we're dating? For the last time, we're only best friends!" Mitch shouted the last part, making everyone silent and looking at us.

"You heard him, now get out of our way." I said sternly and they parted for us. I grabbed his hand and led him outside.

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