Tuesday (III)

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Sorry for spamming your notifs, I just wanted to fix all these chapters. They were bugging me. Thanks!

The bell rang, signaling the end of school that day. Mitch and I left the gym and headed to our lockers to exchange books.

"What homework do we have?" Mitch asked me while we were walking.

"I don't think we have any. It's prom week, not very many teachers assign homework so we don't have to loose sleep planning everything." I replied.

"Makes sense." Mitch said as we got to our lockers. I opened mine and placed all my books in it so that my binder was left in my backpack.

"When is the english book due?" I asked.

"Next month, I think." Mitch closed his locker.

"Mkay." I grabbed the book and placed it in my bag, then closed my locker. "Your house, right?" I asked him.

"Yup." He latched onto my arm and we walked to my car. I drove the both of us to Mitch's house, nervous because of what I need to plan with him.

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