Thursday (II)

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Double update today because I feel bad about missing so many weeks. But I promise I'm working on it right now and I have most of it prewritten and waiting to be published for you guys. I originally made this chapter super sexual, but I didn't like how it played in with the story. But I kept it because y'all are thirsty. You know what's in next chapter. ;)

"Long time no see." I said as I opened the door to Mitch's smiling face.

"Missed you too Scottie." I gave him a quick hug and a short, chaste peck then led him inside and up to my room.

"What do you wanna play? I've got Mario Kart, I've got-"

"Mario Kart!" He didn't let me finish my sentence.

"Alright. Mario Kart it is." I turned the game system on and put in the game.

"And I'm gonna win again." He teased as he grabbed the controllers.

"No, I'm gonna win. And I won't let you this time." I responded.

"You've never let me win! I've always done it all by myself." He retorted.

"No, I've let you win before! On a couple occasions." I said as the game menu popped up on the tv screen.

"No you haven't."

"Yes I have! Just be thankful I'm admitting that." I told him.

"Ugh. Fine. But no more Mr. Nice Guy anymore babe." He said.

"I won't."


"Not now at least." I mumbled.

"What was that Hoying?" He asked me, smirk on his face.

"Oh, nothing." I replied, smile on my face.

"I know it was something babe. I heard you." He said then plopped down on the couch next to me.

"Yeah?" I bit my lip.

"Yeah. And I can't fucking wait for that day to come." He said as his face got dangerously close to mine. I leaned in to kiss him, but he pulled away. "But as of now, I gotta beat your ass in Mario Kart." He said, not even realizing my boner in my pants.

"Mitch!" I was annoyed at him.

"What?" He replied in the same tone.

"Look what you did to me!" I gestured towards my obvious boner as he looked at it, biting his lip.

"Shit Scott. I didn't know I could do that to you." He said solemnly.

"Well you obviously did." I responded.

"I thought I was the queen of sass?" He said.

"Well now what am I gonna do? I can't do anything with this!" I said to no one in particular.

"Want me to take care of that for you?" He asked me seductively, scooting closer to me.

"Please Mitch." I slightly moaned at the thought of him jacking me off.

"You gotta stay quiet." He said quietly.

"I know baby." I said. I kissed him, grabbing his waist and back, keeping him there. He wrapped his arms around my neck, locking himself in place. I slipped my tongue in his mouth, quickly heating up the kiss. Is this really gonna happen right now? I pulled away.

"Mitch? Do you really wanna do this right now?" I asked him. His eyes widened a bit in realization, then he looked down, biting his lip, deep in thought. "It's okay if you're not comfortable right now, it was just a thought." I reassured him. Shit. Is he gonna think I'm using him? That's all I want him for? Which is obviously not true.

"Okay." He blurred out a few moments later, lifting his head to look back at me.

"Okay what?" I just wanted to make sure.

"Yes, I'll have sex with you." He told me, voice confident, but soft.

"Let's call it something else." I said, leaning in closer to him, my hand resting on his hip.

"What? Fucking?" He asked me like I was ridiculous.

"No babe. I wanna make love to you." I said softly, our lips inches away from each other.

"Okay. I like that name better." He closed the gap and kissed me again, this time slower and more passionate. I liked it a lot more. We went straight into exploring each other's mouths, softly and passionately. I definitely felt it, and I'm pretty sure he did too. I broke the kiss then stood up off the floor, and helped Mitch up. He hopped into my arms and I caught him, holding him just under his butt. I brought him over to my bed, gently lowering him down.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked him, hovering above him.

"Yes. Make love to me Scottie." He replied.

😈 Next week? 😈

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