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One year later

Louis stood motionless in a dark room. He had visited this room countless of times, but each visit left him craving that familiar touch again. He didn't dare do it, knowing the pain would only start again when he left in the morning.

Niall was fast asleep. Louis did this every night for a year. He'd sneak in when Niall fell asleep, and just watch him. Sometimes he'd be brave enough to lay beside him. Louis usually hung around until morning, some nights he'd leave after a few hours. It pained him, his lover was so close, but so far. And it was his fault.

He was afraid to approach Niall after all this time, and Louis knew the dangers. The war wasn't over, Louis had been dealing with Michael, and the other angels for the past year. They wanted revenge, they wanted to kill Louis.

But Louis wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't die so easy, not when he had someone to return home to.

Louis stared down at Niall's face, the glow from his alarm clock lighting his face up. He was still beautiful, even after a year.

Louis brought his hand up, and slowly lowered it down until he was close enough to feel the heat from Niall's cheek. Louis was close enough to run his hand down the curve of his face, so close to feel the softness of his skin, but he didn't. He wouldn't.

Suddenly, Niall shifted, his eyelids flickering until they opened.

Louis was gone.


*taps mic* *clears throat*

Is this thing on?

Hello! Hey! Hi! How is everyone?! It's been....... 5 months?? I am decently okay for anyone wondering. But I am deeply sorry for how long it has taken me to finish this story. Somewhere along the way I had just stopped caring..but I realized it wasn't fair to you, or me, to keep my books unfinished.

Writing was always something I did when I wanted to relax, or simply when I wasn't okay. And recently I let myself get too busy with work, and I wasn't allowing myself to free myself into my writing. But I'm trying to change that now...

Which is why I have finally finished Symbol. Now, I'm not sure if I will be writing a second book. I haven't decided if I wanted to write a sequel, or just leave it like this and let you guys imagine the rest. Who knows, leave your thoughts!

Anyways.... Now I can finally get all mushy and say I love you guys! Soooo much. Truly and deeply, I have so much love for my readers, it's unbelievable. Everyone who has stuck with me this long and has waited months for an update... Thank you so much. I will never be able to thank you guys enough.

I have wanted to give up and delete my stories, but I didn't and it's all thanks to you guys. So once again, thank you.. I love you!!

Symbol | Nouis auWhere stories live. Discover now