Chapter 7

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Niall gazed at the tree in front of him, his head aching from an incoming headache. It were times like this that he wished he could go home and sleep it off, but his father and his "buddies" were over, watching a football game. They were all drinking, and Niall didn't want to be around drunken men. He was annoyed with his family at the moment, but the only thing he could do was leave for a few hours. He didn't care if it was negative two outside, or if the ground was covered in snow. He didn't have anywhere to stay until his father's friends left. Zayn and Liam were MIA again. He never understood why they were missing the whole time. Niall's stomach growled, popping him out of his thoughts. He rubbed his stomach, and thanked the lucky stars above that he grabbed his wallet.

The walk to the diner was short, luckily for him. The ding of a bell as he opened the door startled him, making his face flush in embarrassment as kids laughed at him for jumping. He quickly entered, sucking in a deep breath through his nose to smell the amazing pastries.

"What can I get you?" A young girl asked from behind the counter. She had black short hair, and a nice smile on her face.

Niall returns her smile, "I'd like a hot chocolate, and chocolate cake please."

The girl nods, and turns around to make his hot chocolate. As she does, Niall takes in her features. She has dark skin, and light brown eyes. She was kind of short, maybe 5'4, and curvy.

"Here you go." She interrupts him from his thoughts, and he quickly thanks her before paying and sitting at a table in the far corner. He pulls out his phone, and frowns when he sees neither Liam nor Zayn has texted him back.

Why is everyone acting so strange?


The next day Niall finds himself sitting at his regular lunch table craning his head to find Liam and Zayn. Surprisingly, he does find them. They are standing off to the side, and seem to be in a deep conversation. This causes Niall to frown. He watches the boys break away, and make their way over to the table Niall is sitting at.

"What's going on?" Niall asks when they sit down. They send him a hesitant smile, and they shake their heads. Niall shakes his head, and frowns again. He observes the boys, and notices they are tense. Niall then notices something sticking out of Liam's sleeve, it's a new tattoo.

"Hey, Li, when did you get that tat?" Niall asks, leaning closer. Liam quickly covers it up, and gives Zayn a timid smile.

"You have a new tattoo?" Zayn asks. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't." Says Liam, sending Niall a harsh glare.

This takes Niall by surprise, and he fails at coming up with a response. Zayn turns to Niall, and raises an eyebrow.

"I have to go." Liam says quickly, and hurriedly leaves without saying goodbye to either boy.

"What's going on with him?" Niall asks after a minute, and turns to a shocked Zayn.

"I...I don't know. He's been acting so strange the past few weeks." says Zayn, quietly.

"Why are you guys always gone? Like, I understand you are soul mates but do you always have to skip school?"

"Skip school?" Asks Zayn. "Ni, you know me better than that. I've never skipped school. I get tutored twice a week at lunch. Liam is never here?"

Niall shakes his head, even more confused than before.

"He's lying to me then."


QOD: Does anyone want to take a guess whats going on with Liam? ;)

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