Chapter 15

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Liam downs a shot as he talks with Kendal some more. They were both talking about their mates in hushed whispers.

“How long has it been since you last saw Harry? He thinks you’ve been dead this whole time.”

Kendal sighs, “I know. It’s been a few years…”

“How did you do it?” Liam asks.

“Do what?”

“Fake your death.”

Kendal stares off into space, deep in thought. “They…” she pauses, clearing her throat and looking around. “They made me drink this liquid. It caused me to pass out and turn our symbol red. Harry never got to see my body after it happened. But, once a month I have to drink the liquid or our symbols will turn to normal.”

Liam looks at her shocked, “It’s temporary?” Kendal nods, casting her eyes to the bar.

“I want to run away and take Harry with me. I hate this life. It’s horrible, why did you ever join?”

“They threatened Zayn’s life. I had to, for him.”

Kendal lets out a humorless laugh. “Can’t you see Liam? We’re all finished for. Once they’re done with us they’ll kill us, too. They want to erase the entire universe. They think we’re scum. They think they’re better than everyone just because they’re Gods and Goddesses.”

Liam stares at her, and then moves his gaze to the wall in front of him. “I’ll make sure that won’t happen.”


Niall sighs, cuddled into Louis’ side. They fell asleep on the couch together, watching some movie taking place in the 80’s. Niall had awoke a while ago, but he was far too comfortable to move away from Louis. Louis had his arm wrapped around his back, his head was hanging off the couch and his mouth was wide open as snores escaped past his lips. Niall didn’t mind the sound though. It was somehow comforting.

His neck burned, he had fingerprints bruised onto his neck. Something Louis was even more pissed at. He wanted Liam dead, but Niall wouldn’t let him. Liam was only confused, and trying to protect his soul mate. Not that it mattered.

Niall breathed in, smelling the smoke mixed with laundry soap on Louis. Somehow his smell even comforted him, and Niall hated the smell of cigarettes.  He buries his head into his side, inhaling his scent even more before closing his eyes and trying to sleep again.


“So, what’s your mission Liam?”

“I have to kill Louis Tomlinson.”

Kendal stares at him wide eyed, “The last man that tried to kill him ended up being killed.”

“By who?”

“Louis himself.”

“What?” Liam asks shockingly. “But, how?”

Kendal laughs uneasy. “What do you mean how?” She pauses, and when Liam doesn’t say anything her eyes widen in shock. “You mean they never told you?”

“Told me what?” Liam asks, his voice shaking as he stares at her in terror.

“Everyone thinks Louis is human…Hell, he even tells people that. But Louis is the worst of them all…He’s a true monster.”


Zayn climbs down the stairs, stopping at the sight of Louis and Niall and gives a small smile. He follows the smell of bacon into the kitchen, greeting Harry as he sits at the table. Harry is standing at the stove, shirtless with joggers hanging at his hips. Zayn stares at the sight, and then looks away blushing. Harry was hot, but off limits and Zayn knew that but he couldn’t stop himself from checking Harry out.

“Hey, sleep well?” Harry asks, focusing on the bacon.

“Yeah, I suppose so.” Zayn answers, scratching his neck. “You?”

“Couldn’t sleep.” Harry shrugs. “My symbol was bothering me last night. It kept burning.” Harry frowns down at the bacon as he takes it off the stove and places it on a plate.

“That’s weird.” Zayn comments, frowning as well as he stares at Harry’s back. Harry nods, turning around with a plate of pancakes and bacon. “I’ll go wake the boys.” Zayn says, jumping up and trudging into the kitchen. He shakes both the boys until they wake up, and all three go into the kitchen and sit at the table where Harry had placed plates, and even made them.

“This looks great.” Niall smiles, taking a big bite of his pancake. “Where’s the syrup?” He asks, taking it from Harry when he hands it to him.


“A monster?” Liam asks, leaning closer to Kendal. She glances around, before looking at Liam and nodding.

“He’s killed five of our men. He even killed the leaders’ wife.”


Kendal nods again, “He’s a monster, Liam. You need to be careful. He’s also Harry’s best friend, and Harry is a God himself. He won’t let you harm Louis. He doesn’t need the protection, though.” Kendal shrugs. “Rumor has it though…” She pauses. “He found his soul mate, and now he’s been trying to act human for him.”

Liam’s’ heart stops, and then picks up twice as fast. Niall. She was talking about Niall. “Why…why would he want to act human for his soul mate?”

“So he doesn’t scare the person off? Doesn’t kill them? I don’t know, that’s my guess.” She shrugs.

“Why do they want him dead?”

“He’s the opposite of a God, Liam, and even scarier than a demon. He’s the devil…or close to a devil. He can stop them, and they don’t want him to get in their way. That’s all I know.”

“He’s a devil?” Liam mumbles, suddenly terrified of Louis. How did he get thrown in a world of chaos? “I can’t believe any of this stuff is real.”

“Me either, but it is.” 


Wowowowow this chapter is probably really confusing butttttttttt it will be cleared up very shortly, and it was much needed. The action is going to start very shortly. 

I hope I didn't confuse you too much. Yes, Louis isn't human. That will be cleared up very soon. 

I hope you enjoyed this short informing chapter. x 

By the way, Kendal is NOT Kendall Jenner. Just, no. 

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