Chapter 1

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Louis ran down the dark alley as fast as his legs would take him. He turned down a narrow walkway, and moved fast. He could hear them, they were close behind. His breathing was ragged, and came out in short puffs. His lungs burned, and his legs ached and begged for a rest. But he couldn't rest, not until he was safe.

"Louis." A deep voice called from somewhere in the dark. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Harry, they're behind me. We have to move. Fast."

"Shit," Harry cursed, "lets go. I have the car waiting."

"We're leaving?"

"We're leaving."


Louis awoke, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his breathes came out in short pants. He had another nightmare, which was now a memory. A horrible memory, and he knew he would never be safe.

He wiped his fringe from his forehead, and tugged at his greasy hair. He let out a small groan, and busied himself by staring at the ceiling, with only one thing, or person, on mind.


The wind hit full force onto Niall's window, and it made him shrink into his blanket even more. A blizzard was coming in, and he didn't like it, not one bit.

His breathing came out in harsh puffs as he shook. His hands clutched the blanket around him, and he closed his eyes. Maybe if he tried to relax, he could sleep.

He was alone in the house, his mother worked night shifts. He wondered how he would do when he moved out on his own. He only had a couple months until he moved out. He used to think he would one day move in with his soul mate, but even his soul mate didn't want him. If his soul mate didn't want him, what makes him think anyone would?

He was never a fan of storms, they gave him nightmares, and he always thought someone was breaking in to kill him. Silly imagination, but still.

He calmed his breathing, and focused on his heart rate, and within minutes he was fast asleep.


School was the thing Niall dreaded the most. It wasn't the work, or teachers, or even the people. He got along with everyone, and he actually enjoyed learning. It was Louis, - the mate that rejected him.

His heart still felt heavy, and he felt empty inside. Louis still came to school, if it wasn't the stinging on his symbol, then it was the classes he had with Louis, and that is how he knew he was there.

He didn't know how Louis got switched in his classes, but part of him didn't care. He got to admire Louis from behind. He loved how he tapped his foot, or doodled on his work sheet, instead of working.

"Mr. Horan, are you even listening to me?"

Niall jumped at a voice from beside him, he didn't realize he zoned out from staring at the back of Louis's head.

"Um, yes?" He questioned, hesitantly.

The teacher, Mr. Zee, sighed and shook his head.

"I said get in partners, which you were assigned too. But i'm sure you didn't hear that either. Your partner is Evan."

Niall nodded, and moved his desk around to face Evan. Evan was a nice kid, sometimes. He was a huge perv, and tried to get in anyones pants.

"So, uh, what do you, we I mean, have to do?" Niall asked nervously. He watched Evan lean close to him, and smirk.

"Well, we could go find a janitors closet." He winked, causing Niall to gulp, and lean back.

"Um," he started to say, but he was cut off.

"If you don't want your dick cut off, I'd advise you to stay away and keep your dirty comments to yourself." It was Louis.

Niall watched Evan lean back, and narrow his eyes at Louis.

"Stay out of this." Evan threatened.

Louis smirked, and stepped back. He then stepped forward, grabbed Evan by his head, and smashed his face into the desk.

People around them gasped, and Evan slowly lifted his head, clutching his nose which was seeping blood.

"This was just a warning." Louis whispered.

"Tomlinson, principals office! Now!"

Louis smirked once more, and made quick eye contact with Niall who looked bewildered. He winked, and then made his way out, not bothering to go see the principal.

Niall looked towards Evan, who was glaring towards the door. What the hell happened?

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