Chapter 4

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Something troubled Niall. Something he could not put his finger on. He gets rejected by his soul mate, but yet his soul mate has his best mate watch out for him while he is not around. Weird, right? For Niall that is.

He wanted to wrap Louis in his arms, and hold him tight until they fell asleep together. He wanted to hold Louis tight and whisper sweet nothings to him. He wanted to hold him, and tell him everything would be okay. He just wanted to hold him.


That day passed slow, but enjoyable. Thanks to Harry, that is. They skipped school, even though they only had one class left to attend. Harry didn't seem so bad. He wasn't like the rumors had said. He was actually nice, and sweet, and liked to tell a bunch of jokes.

"Knock knock." Harry had said out of the blue.

"Who's there?" Niall decided to play along, a smile already tugging at his lips.

"Interrupting cow."

"Interrupting c-"

"MOOO!" Harry fell back laughing, smacking his knee as he did. Niall laughed along with him, but it took him a minute to get the joke, and when he did it made him laugh even harder.

"You know, you are nothing like the rumors say you are." Niall said when they finished laughing. Harry's lips pressed into a flat line.

"What do the rumors say?" He asked.

"That you're mean, get in drugs." Niall whispered. Harry had tensed up, his eyes clouded up with an unreadable expression.

"Right, I shouldn't be talking to you like this. I was only supposed to watch over you." Harry stood, his back facing Niall.

"Harry, wait, I didn't mean-"

"I have to go Niall. I'll see you tomorrow, but you won't see me." And then Harry left. He took long, careful strides, different then his relaxed, slow pace.

Niall realized he shouldn't have opened his mouth, and he quickly regretted it. But yet he was confused again. Why was Harry so quick to close in?


Niall walked home shortly after Harry left. The clouds were rolling in and it seemed a big storm was coming in, - again. He hated storms, so much. They frightened him, and they were horrible.

He walked through his door, calling for his mum. She usually worked night shifts, but he always hoped she would be home when he was. She was always busy with work, and sometimes he thought she worked so many hours were because of him. Ever since his father walked out on them when he was only 7, his mother had turned to work, leaving his younger sister and himself to fend for themselves.

His sister was four years younger then him. She was three when their father walked out, so she had no memory of him. And Niall was glad. Their father was not the nicest person around, and sometimes when he was mad he got violent. He mostly took it out on their mother though.

"Niall? Is that you?" He heard his sister call from the kitchen.

"Cara? Yeah, its me." He answered, heading into the kitchen. His sister was reading a note that was left on the fridge.

"From mum?" Niall guessed. Cara nodded, and frowned.

"Yep, same thing as always."

Niall sighed, shaking his head. "How about I order a pizza or something? It looks like its about to storm so we can't leave the house."

Cara nodded, "sounds good to me."

"Good." Niall mumbled, picking up the phone.

He bit his lip, and carefully gave the order when the man picked up the phone. He barely heard the man give the price, as he was lost in thought. He muttered a quick 'thank you' before hanging up.

"I'm going to lay down for a bit. Wake me when the pizza gets here." He told his sister. She nodded, not noticing her brothers odd mood all of a sudden.

He was tired of his mother always working because she didn't want to be home. He was only eighteen, and he was taking care of a fourteen year old. What was he supposed to do when he moved out in a few months? He couldn't just leave Cara here to fend for herself, so did that mean he had to take her with him?

Niall groaned, and collapsed on the bed. A nap was really needed at this point.

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