Chapter 6

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Louis quickly followed behind Niall, ignoring his principal calling for him. "Niall! Niall, please wait up!" He increased his pace, and soon he was in reach of his beautiful soul mate. He reached his hand out, and grabbed a hold of his shirt. He pulled him back, and pushed him into a locker, careful not to touch his skin.

"Niall." Louis panted, trying to catch his breath from the short run. Niall stared at him curiously, and inched further away from him.

"Niall, listen to me. We can't let anyone know we're soul mates."

Niall felt his chest tighten in pain, and avoided Louis' gaze. "Why not?" He whispered.

"I just... We can't." His voice cracked, making Niall frown.

"Then just... Just leave me alone." Niall almost shouted, and then pushed Louis away from him, his hand grazing over the skin on his chest. Immediately he felt the stinging go away, and instead felt a new feeling in his symbol.

"Why did you touch me!" Louis screamed at him, his face filled with horror. Niall coward back in fear, and gulped. "Everyone is going to know we're soul mates! Why would you do that?!" Louis continued to scream.

"S-stop, you're scarying me." Niall whispered, his voice shaking. Louis took a few steps back, his eyes wide.

"They...they're going to find out about you." Louis whispered. He looked scared, and it made Niall even more terrified.

"Who?" He questioned.

"We just need to keep our symbols hidden...Don't let anyone see yours, understand?" Louis demanded, ignoring Niall's question. He quickly nodded, and let out a squeak when Louis wrapped his arm around his waist, and brought his hand to tangle in his hair.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you." He whispered into Niall's ear. Niall brought his shaking hands up to Louis' chest, and grabbed a hold of his shirt. He buried his face into the crook of his neck, and let out a puff of breath.

"What's going on?" He whispered, hoping Louis would give him answers. Instead, Louis quickly pulled away, and walked out of reaching distance.

"I can't tell you. Just remember I'm doing this for your safety. I'll see you around, Ni." he said, before quickly leaving.


Niall brought his blurry gaze to the clock. Five minutes left, he thought to himself. His eyes were filled with fresh tears, and he couldn't wait until school ended. Earlier, he had taken a look at his symbol, and it was already starting to turn color. That meant Louis's symbol was turning as well. Is that why he didn't want Niall to touch him? But, what did he mean by 'they'? Niall was so lost in his thoughts he didn't hear the bell ringing, until someone nudged his shoulder. He quickly snapped out of his gaze, and looked up at the person who nudged him.

"Harry? What're you doing here?" He questioned, slowly standing from his seat.

"Lou asked me to walk you home. Make sure you get there safe."

"Safe? From who?" He followed Harry out the door, and down the hallway.

Harry shrugged, not opening his mouth to give Niall an answer. He sighed frustrated, and didn't bother to say anything else.

"We won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" Harry finally broke the silence, making Niall whip his head around to look at him.

"Why would anyone hurt me?"

"Because you are linked to Louis. You are his weakness now."

"But...I don't understand."

"Do you remember when you asked if I had a soul mate?" Niall nodded. "and I said she was murdered?" he nodded again. "That's because she was linked to me. She was my weakness, and they knew that. Once you lose your soul mate, you lose everything." Harry's voice dropped down to a whisper, and it was filled with so much sadness, Niall couldn't help but cry.

"Who is they?" he croaked, wiping away his tears.

"I can't tell you. I've already said enough. Just remember we're doing this for your safety. I have nothing to live for, and you are all Louis has. Once this is all over, we just have to hope it turns out good. You guys will be able to finally settle down."

Niall weakly smiled at that, but it quickly vanished. What if it didn't turn out good? What if someone got hurt. Niall couldn't help but ask the what if's. Why couldn't they tell him who 'they' were? Were they in a gang? No, of course not. They aren't that stupid, right?

He bit his lip in concentration, and barely realized Harry had stop walking.

"We're here." He spoke, turning around to face Niall. He looked up, surprised.

"How did you know where I live?" He questioned, slightly concerned he might have a stalker.

"I know a lot of things, Niall." Harry gave him a crooked smile, before turning around and walking the other way. He waved over his shoulder, and turned his head slightly to look over his shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow! I'll be here seven sharp to walk you to school!" He called, making Niall widen his eyes.

"So what, are you my body guard now or something?"

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Yeah, I guess you could call it that!"

Niall smiled to himself, and quickly made his way inside his home.

"Mum? Cara? Anyone home?" He called. He made his way into the kitchen, waiting for a reply, but nothing came. He shrugged, and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"I guess I'm home alone." He whispered, before taking a bite from his apple. But even though he was alone, his mind kept him company of nothing but what ifs. He was allowed to be scared, right? Harry and Louis made it seem like 'they' are monsters. "Monsters don't exist though." He mumbled, munching on his apple.

"Nothing to be afraid of, right? They'll keep me safe...Just like they promised." He kept talking to himself. He stood to throw away his apple, and turned towards the refrigerator. He pulled the note off the freezer door, and carefully read it.

Be gone a few days with your father. Cara is at aunt Jenns house. Love you. x - Mum

Niall groaned frustrated, and threw the note on the floor. Why were they always leaving him?! He marched into his room, and fell ontop of his bed.

"I guess I could go to sleep." He whispered, before settling into his bed with a small grin on his face. Pleased that he finally got to feel his soul mates arms around him.


Just wanted to clear something up because everybody seems to like to point it out. THE "GRAMMAR" YOU GUYS KEEP POINTING OUT WAS WRITTEN LIKE THAT ON PURPOSE. IT'S HOW NIALL TALKS SO STOP, SERIOUSLY IT'S ANNOYING. 

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