Chapter 12

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Louis left his house a little after his talk with Harry. He needed to find Niall, he needed to tell him about the killings and how close they were. He had a lot he needed to tell Niall. But he didn't know where he would find Niall. School was surprisingly canceled due to harsh winds, so he couldn't check there. Maybe he's at home, Louis thought.

Louis took the short walk from his house to Niall's house. He knocked on the door, and waited until it was answered.

"Hello, is Niall home?" Louis asked politely to the man who just answered.

The man snorted, leaning heavily against the door. "That kid has been out since late last night. If you see him, tell him he's in trouble."

"Do you know where he went last night?" Louis asks, feeling panicked. What if they were already here and got a hold of Niall?!

"To a friends house... Zed or Zack.."


"Yes, Zayn." The man nodded. Louis quickly nodded, thanking the man. He had no clue where Zayn lived. He quickly calls Harry as he leaves the front yard of Niall's home.

"Hello?" He answers on the second ring.

"Do you know where a boy named Zayn lives?"

"Zayn?.... Zayn Malik?"

"I don't know. Probably. He's friends with Niall."

Its silent for a moment, and then its filled with Harry talking. "No..I don't think so. Have you tried calling Niall?"

"I don't have his number."

"What? Seriously.." Harry mumbles something that Louis can't catch, and then a sigh. "I'll call him. Just meet back at your house." Harry hangs up, and Louis quickly walks the way back to his house.


When Louis walks in the first person he sees is Niall. He's sitting next to a boy with raven colored hair and Louis thinks its Zayn. He clears his throat, causing the boys to turn toward him. He immediately meets Niall's eyes.

"Whats going on?" Niall asks. He can already tell he has bad news.

"There have been killings. They're getting closer to our location."

"Killings? They? Who?" Zayn asks, frowning. Niall glances at Zayn, before taking a deep breath.

"I think they're after Zayn. I walked to his house last night, and there was a black car just sitting there..They drove away as soon as he opened the door."

"Were they there when you got to his house?" Louis rushes out, suddenly feeling lightheaded.

Niall freezes, suddenly looking down. "N-no..They were following me.." He mumbles. He brings his shaky hands to his hair, and grips it.

"SHIT!" Louis curses, punching the wall next to him. They were already here.

"Whats going on?" Zayn stands up, ready to run out of the house if he needed too. Zayn would be lying if he said he wasn't scared at this point.

"Just bad people who plan to kill the whole fucking planet." Niall snaps.

"They aren't after everyone. Just people who have accepted their mate. You'd be surprised with how many people are against the mate, symbol shit." Harry says, shaking his head.

"Really?" Zayn asks, shocked. "Like..who?"

Louis and Harry share a look, and then a sigh falls off of Louis' lips as he launches into the story he told Niall.

"You're an angel?" Zayn turns toward Harry, his eyes wide.

"Yes..but there is something else we must tell you."

They nod, and listen closely to Harry.

"We think we know who is behind all the murders that have been happening." Harry looks at them each in the eye, he knows they aren't going to like what he is going to say and he knows there is a chance they won't believe him.

"Its Liam." Harry says slowly, watching for a reaction out of each boy.

"My Liam?" Zayn whispers, his eyes wide in fear and his hands shaking.

"That's bullshit!" Niall shouts, his face is red and he is always shaking. "Liam would never! Right...Zayn, please tell me you don't believe this."

Zayn doesn't say anything, only stares at Niall in silence because he does believe it. He believes Liam is capable of these killings and he has no doubt at all inside of him.

"How could you...How could you just believe your soul mate would kill all these people?" Niall is shaking his head in disgust, his hands are on his knees and he's bending forward as if he is going to get sick.

"I never thought my soul mate would leave me either, but he did."

Niall doesn't reply, doesn't spare a glance at anyone as he gets up and leaves. Louis runs after him, Niall doesn't make it far because Louis pulls him back, and holds him. Niall struggles out of his hold, but eventually gives up when he realizes Louis is much stronger then him.

Louis kisses him. Its a slow kiss and it surprises both of them. They just awkwardly stand there with their lips pressed together, but then Louis takes a risk and moves his lips against Niall's, hoping he follows his lead. He does. They kiss slow, and then fasten their pace. Niall is the first to pull away completely. His breathing is heavy as he opens his eyes. Louis still has his eyes closed, a smile forming on his lips.

When Louis opens his eyes, his smile turns into a frown. Niall is gone.


A filler chapter. Sorry I had major writers block. :(

Hopefully the next chapter is up sooner then this one was.

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