Symbol | Nouis au

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***This story is going through some minor editing, eventually it will go through major editing and possibly rewriting a few chapters.

I have done some minor changes to chapters one through thirteen, anything after that might not make sense. I will get to it shortly. I was, still am, a noob when I started writing this story and reading back I realized it needs a lot of work.

Read at your own risk, but I warned you. If you continue, please enjoy!



Niall padded his way into the crowded hallway at school, the heat from the other students hitting his face. The symbol on his foot started to sting lightly. He was used to this; his soul mate was somewhere in this school. But by the end of the day, the stinging sensation would be gone, indicating his soul mate was gone.

Many years ago, the government had created a special shot that was injected through the blood stream, creating symbols to appear on everyone's foot. It then was passed on through their kids, and then their kids, and so on. Each symbol was different, except your soul mates. You were only allowed to marry your soul mate, as well. Or you could get in trouble.

Many of Niall's friends had found their soul mate; some had traveled to different countries just to find theirs. But Niall had no such luck. He envied his friends.

He had always been single, he didn't want to date someone, and then find his mate. He had always imagined when he found his soul mate; they would be happy together, forever.


Niall met up with his friends outside for lunch. Liam and Zayn were soul mates, and had recently found each other. They were still in the honeymoon stage.

Liam noticed the look Niall had one his face, and gently patted his back. "Don't worry, Ni. You will find him, or her, one day. You said they were in this school, right?"

Niall nodded.

"Then you should just walk around until the stinging gets worse. Then you'll find them." Liam smiled.

Niall nodded, "Will you guys go with me?" He asked, quietly.

"Of course!" Zayn shouted. He sent a quick smile to Niall, and then pressed a kiss to Liam's cheek.

They stayed quiet on the walk to their table, but they instantly froze when they saw the "bad boys" of their school, leaning against the walls near the table.

Niall flinched when his symbol started to sting worse than before. His heart raced as he scanned the courtyard, but the only people close to him were, Louis and Harry.

"Oh, no." He whispered. Liam grabbed Niall's wrist, and pulled him closer, and began walking again. As they neared the group, Niall cuddled into Liam's side even more.

This couldn't be happening, he thought.

"Wait," they were stopped. Louis had his arm out, stopping them from walking any closer. His eyes scanned the boys, and stopped on Niall.

Niall's eyes widen, why was he staring at him like that?

Oh no...

It couldn't be...

"Leave, I need to talk to Blondie, alone." Louis demanded.

Liam scoffed, and pulled Niall closer. "You have no reason to talk to Niall."

Louis tsked, and shooed his friend away, who got the message.

"But I do. We have to talk." He turned to Niall, and raised an eyebrow.

"Liam, its okay. I'll be over there in a minute." Niall spoke up.

Liam hesitated, but eventually nodded.

Louis, and his friend Harry, could not be trusted. They got into fights, barely showed up to school, and rumor has it, they did drugs.

Niall's symbol was on fire, by now.

"Um, what did you need?" Niall asked, hesitantly.

Louis's eyes scanned over Niall once more, and his eyes soften for a moment. He almost smiled, but then his face was stone hard, and he had a cold glare in his eyes.

"We're soul mates." Louis stated the obvious.

Niall nodded, and felt his heart racing. He finally found him! He was going to finally get his chance at being happy! That was until Louis opened his mouth to speak.

"I don't need," Louis took a drag from his cigarette, "or want a soul mate." His words flew out as smoke blew from his lips. The way he leaned against the wall, so captivating. The tattoos contrasted nicely with his tan skin, and the beanie he wore hid most of his hair. He wore a grey shirt, and dark skinny jeans. He looked like a beautiful angel fallen from heaven.

But he didn't want Niall, and that single sentence broke his heart into two.


This is my new story! :D Let me know what you think?

Dedicated to MiiMyselfandTime for the lovely cover xx

Symbol | Nouis auWhere stories live. Discover now