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It's a few hours later when Liam notices color returning to Zayn's face. It's enough to know that whatever Louis did, it worked. And Liam couldn't be happier, even though it was his fault they were even in this mess. Okay, it wasn't all his fault. If it wasn't for Apollo wanting to destroy every human alive, they wouldn't be in this mess. 

They were currently hiding out in an underground safe room. So far underground that Niall didn't have phone service. 

"I wonder what it's like outside." Harry says quietly. No doubt the war had already started. They could feel the ground shaking. 

Niall was even cuddled into Louis' side. He was scared, and the only way to stay calm was to take comfort in his mate. Liam was even holding Zayn's hand, running his thumb across his knuckles. Everyone had someone, except Harry. He was observing everyone. He noticed how Niall had his face pressed to Louis' side, even though he was complaining because he was still mad at Louis. Liam would lean over every few minutes to press a kiss on the back of Zayn's hand.  

Harry felt so lonely. Liam really wanted to tell him Kendal was alive. What would be the harm? They were going to kill her anyway. Harry deserved to know. 

"Harry --" 

"Shh." Harry quickly shushes, straining his ears to listen for sounds again. 

"There's someone upstairs." Harry whispers, moving closer to the boys. 

"How do you know?" Niall asked harshly. 

"I'm a God," He mumbles distractedly, blocking out other sounds as he focuses on the footsteps running around upstairs. "It's a human, they're probably seeking a place to hide." 

"Can't you do something to stop this?" Liam pipes up, barely sparing a glance at Harry. "I mean, you are a God, or so you say. Won't they listen to you?" 

Harry shakes his head, looking in Liam's direction as he relaxes slightly. "No, I'm not above them. The only way to stop them is if the higher God's and Goddesses stop them. And who knows if they even want to do that." He shrugs. 

"Why wouldn't they?" Louis muses, staring curiously at Harry. He has his arm tightly around Niall, and this whole time he's been quiet, letting Niall curse and complain to him. 

Harry nervously licks his lips, shrugging one of his shoulders. "They aren't so happy with me right now,-"

"Wouldn't they do it on their own free will, though?" Liam cuts in. 

"N-no," Harry's voice cracks slightly. 

"Harry," Louis raises an eyebrow suspiciously. 

"They don't know what's going on." He sighs, defeated.

"What?!" Three voices chime in, shock evident in their voices. 

"Why not?" Louis speaks up, tightening his grip on Niall. He doesn't complain.

"I can't. I betrayed them. That's why I can't go back home." 

"What do you mean?" Louis frowns. 

"You don't want to know," Harry chuckles humorlessly. 

"I do, so tell me."

Niall watches with confused eyes, waiting to hear Harry's story. He has a gut feeling it's not something he will like. He watches Harry ruffle his hair, sighing through his parted lips.

"I was sent here to kill you, Louis. I lied about everything. The guy I said was my uncle, isn't really my uncle. I lied to you because I had to, I was sent on a mission. But I couldn't do it." Harry pauses, watching Louis' face for a reaction. Niall felt his chest clench at the thought of Louis being dead. He didn't like that thought. Even if Louis lied to him, he was still his mate. "You're my best friend Louis, I couldn't kill you."

"Why couldn't you? We didn't know each other when you first came, you could have easily killed me." Louis spoke sharply. 

"I, I don't know." 

Louis didn't respond, only buried his face in Niall's neck, trying to calm down as he let the comfort of Niall relax him. 

"Please say something." Harry begged, watching him. 

"We'll talk after this is all over," Louis lifted his head, making eye contact with Harry before moving his gaze to Liam and Zayn. "Someone is waking up." 

All eye's turned to Zayn, holding their breathes as they waited. 

Zayn started coughing, and choking as he sucked in air. Liam and Niall jumped to their feet, moving closer as Zayn sat up. 

"What's going on?"


Hiiii. I'm sorry for the long wait. I have been nominated for the Bromance Awards, and I'm so excited! I'm not sure when voting starts but when I find out i'll let you know! I'll need your help when it comes to voting :)

I hope you enjoyed this quick update!

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