Chapter 16

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Day 3

Louis smiles at Niall, entangling their fingers together as he pulls him closer. Niall faintly smiles back, but he's more than confused. What were they? Were they together, or...? He wanted to ask, but he was afraid it would only push Louis away. He needed to find out, but not right now. Right now he would enjoy his time with Louis.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks, frowning at Niall.

"What? Oh, nothing." He shakes his head, flashing a quick grin to Zayn who strolls past them to get lunch. Niall notices Liam is no where to be found, so he assumes he didn't bother to show. "Liam's not here." He softly says, leaning his head on Louis' shoulder.

"Good." He says, a look of hatred appearing on his face. "If he ever comes near you again, I will kill him. Do you understand?"

Niall slowly nods, suddenly scared of Louis' change in mood. The grip he had on Niall's hand tightens, causing him to flinch and try to pry his hand away but Louis won't budge.

"He's dead to me, and soon he will be dead to this world. Nobody lays their hand on you, and gets away with it." He continues, his voice coming out deeper, the skin around his eyes turning a dark purple, kind of like his veins popping out, but there is a hint of something else there. Something Niall can't explain.

He finally pulls his hand away, holding it to his chest, "You hurt me." He says, looking at his suddenly bruised hand.

"Oh, my God Niall I'm so sorry." Louis' voice is back to normal, and when Niall looks, so is his face. Maybe he was imaging it, but he could have sworn Louis was turning into someone else. He wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, except Louis told him he was human, and the last time he checked humans couldn't do that. Louis could have been lying, but Niall prayed he didn't, because Niall didn't want to be with a God, or a monster. Or whatever else was alive that he had no clue was.

Niall sometime wished he would wake up, and everything was a dream. Sometimes he wished he didn't find his soul mate, because then he wouldn't have been dragged into this mess. He wanted to be a regular teenager who chatted happily to their friends, instead of hiding. Sometimes he wondered if Louis was even worth all of this.


Louis skips his last class to meet Harry behind the school. He looks both ways, before pushing the doors open. He immediately spots Harry, who is leaning against the building. Louis pulls out a cigarette, placing it between his lips and lighting it. Harry makes a face, pushing himself off the wall.

"You still smoke those?"

"Yeah," he shrugs, "It's the only way to stay in control." Harry nods in understanding, walking alongside Louis as they leave school grounds by walking through the forest next to the school.

"So, what's the plan?" Harry finally asks.

"I'm going to kill him." Louis says simply, shrugging again as he tosses the bud to the ground, stepping on it with his heel.

"But, how? When? Do you even have a plan?"

"No, I was just going to walk up to him, and kill him. I don't know, I'll do the first thing that comes to mind."

Harry rolls his eyes, coming to a stop. Louis follows, staring at him confusingly.


"You're an idiot. You need a plan."

"Fine, how about we lure him somewhere deserted? Like, here." He gestures around him, "but further back. Once we're far enough, I'll attack him." He says, looking up at Harry. He still looks skeptical, wishes Louis would have thought more into it but he can't do anything to stop him when he has his mind set.

"Fine," Harry finally sighs. "We'll do it, but you better kill him or he will come after us. Just end him and be over with it."

Louis suddenly laughs, pulling out another cigarette. "I'll never be over it. We won't ever be over with it. Not until all of them are taken out, and we need to do that before they decide to put their plan into action. According to Niall, they plan to wipe out Earth, and then move on to the next Planet."

"Why would they do that?"

"Because if you're not them, then you don't deserve to live." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Then we need an army. We need to recruit more people who are willing to help us. Niall and Zayn can't help us, they're human. Niall thinks you're human because you're scared to tell him, so what're you going to do when he finds out you'll be fighting? The truth is going to come out, and it might be best to tell him sooner than later. It also looks like you're having trouble keeping human form, especially when you get angry. How long have you been in your human form? You know you need to take a break from it eventually or it will be impossible to keep it." Harry lectures. This isn't the first time he's given Louis this lecture, but he's just stubborn to listen.

"Harry, I know, okay? I'm doing this for Niall's sake, I can't show him my true self until I know he loves me and he'll be safe. That's all I want. Niall's safety comes before mine."

"I understand that, but if you're not careful Niall is going to end up like Kendal."

Louis stops in his tracks, turning around to face Harry. His eyes are red, purple scales scattered on the side of his face. "I'll kill someone before that happens." His voice is deep, causing Harry to flinch.

"Calm down." Harry says, putting up his hands in surrender. "I was only saying. I won't let anything happen to Niall."

Louis nods, taking deep breaths until his eyes turn to normal color and the scales are gone.

"Feeling better?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. It's getting hard to keep up this human form, and...I'm so sorry you had to see me like that."

"It's fine, besides, you're killing someone anyway for Niall."

Louis doesn't answer, just turns away and starts walking again. Harry follows behind him, not getting close because he can tell Louis is still angry and he doesn't feel like getting hurt. Not that it would matter since Harry would heal pretty quick, but it would leave a nasty scar. He didn't want to get scarred, Kendal didn't like that.

Harry bites his lip, his steps slowing as he thinks of Kendal. Kendal was gone, so it didn't matter what happened to Harry. He could die in this war and he wouldn't care. He'd be with his soul mate, so it would actually be best if Harry died in this war. But, she wouldn't like that if Harry allowed himself to die. That is why he must live, no matter how bad he wanted to be with her.


This is longer than last chapter, yaaay.

Also, I couldn't find a way to describe Louis' true form. So, just imagine dragon scales on the side of his face. Not his whole face, just the side. I'll find a way to describe it better. x

Sorry for the long wait!

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