Chapter 17

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"You know I have to kill him, right?" Louis says, staring at everyone in the circle. Zayn was shaking in fear, because holy shit no he doesn't want Liam to die. Liam was his beloved, Liam was his present and future and he wasn't sure how he was going to live without Liam. Even if Liam didn't want Zayn anymore, he would always want Liam. 

Niall was shaking in rage, because he didn't want his best mate to die and even though Louis was his soul mate he would choose Liam over Louis any day. Liam had been there longer than Louis, and yeah even if Niall never got a chance at real love, he could find someone who didn't have a soul mate. Of course, that meant he wouldn't get the chance at marriage, or adopting, but he didn't care for that as long as Liam got to live. 

Harry was staring at Louis, he already knew the plan, of course. He was ready, somewhat. It still terrified him, he wasn't used to the idea of taking someone's life. But this had to be done. If Liam was out of the picture, it would be easier for all of them, but it would also satisfy Louis' needs. He just wanted Liam dead because he touched Niall, he hurt Niall. Louis wasn't going to forgive someone for putting bruises on his soul mate's skin. 

"Why? Why do we have to kill him?" Niall speaks up. "Why can't we just...lock him up or something? It's not like he has supernatural strength to break through the bars." 

"No, he doesn't." Louis calmly says. Niall raises his eyebrow in questioning.

"Are you going to answer the rest of my question?" He asks, but Louis moves on, avoiding his question. 

"We already have it planned out." Louis pulls out a map he had stashed by him. He points to an area on the map, and Niall leans in close. 

"That's behind our school." Zayn says. Harry nods, pulling out an envelop on the table next to him.

"We're going to send this letter to Liam, telling him to meet us there." 

"When?" Niall asks urgently. He needed to know, he has to know. 

"Tomorrow, before school."

Niall nods, he was going to stop the fight.


Niall ended up waking up late. His alarm didn't go off, and he had no clue what time they were supposed to meet Liam. 

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." He curses, throwing the blanket off of his body before rushing out of his room. He didn't bother to change out of his pajamas, or brush his teeth, or anything to be ready for the day. He barely slipped on his shoes before he was out the door. 

He couldn't be late, he needed to make it before the fight started. Time was ticking, and Niall just needed to stop the fight. Maybe if he were to talk to both of them, if he was somehow able to change Liam's mind and have him join their side. Niall couldn't lose anyone. 

But he was late

he was late


he couldn't make it on time

he wouldn't make it on time

Niall pictured the worst as he ran toward the woods behind his school. He pictured Liam laying in a puddle of his own blood. He pictured Liam still, frozen, dead. 

and it made Niall want to puke all over his shoes. 

But he wasn't expecting to find what he did.


The army was already informed of an attack. They were getting ready, but they didn't know who they were going against. Nor did they know who gave them the call.

Liam pretended to be the man in charge of the attack, and they bought it. Liam's plan was also going as planned, except it really didn't. Because something happened that wasn't supposed to.

There was a flaw in everyone's plans. 

Everyone overlooked Zayn. 


Spoiler alert: Someone dies

ooPS sorry 

I also want to apologize for the long wait for this chapter. Life got in the way, and honestly I had major writers block so that explains why this chapter is shit. 

I also lost motivation for a bit after that whole argument with that person, but I am BACCCCKKKK. 

Okay i love you guys and i'm so sorry pls forgive me

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