Chapter 1: Roommate

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  The photo above is Noelina/ Noelle.

  The Castilla family. The "most powerful family in all of the Magic Domain," as they say. Well, I guess that part isn't a lie. Not me though. I'm nothing special. I'm just a normal person, with normal abilities, and normal skills.

  The Academy of Magical Arts. The top magic school in all of the Magic Domain. With an acceptance rate of only 10%, the students attending the school are very academic, and they all take their schoolwork seriously. All the teachers have high expectations for these students.

  And, for some reason, I, Noelina Castilla, will be attending the Academy of Magical Arts as of today.

Making it into the school was a huge adventure. Since my mom had so many connections, she managed to get into contact with the principal, who allowed me to attend the school, despite never attending a school before.

  As I walked to the dorm rooms, I thought of who my roommate will be like. Will she be a kind and polite good girl or someone more rebellious? Is she the popular type or the quiet type? Will she do well with her studies or is she failing?

  Will she be a good friend?

  I guess I'm about to find out.

  The door creaked as I opened it. Standing there was a tall girl with bright green eyes and long red hair tied in a ponytail. She wore a light pink short sleeved shirt with denim shorts, as well as a pair of black boots. As soon as she heard the door creak open, she stopped unpacking her things and looked over at me.

  "Are you my new roommate?" She asked. "That's great! Are you new around here? I haven't seen you before. I'm Regina. Regina Thunderthorne. You?"

  Overwhelmed by her questions, I somehow managed to work up a reply. "H-Hi - um - Regina, I-I'm N-Noelina, Noelina C-Castiel. I-I'm a first year, a-actually you already knew that - um - y-yeah, I'm new, actually, and um, n-nice to m-meet you?" The inner me face palmed.

  It wasn't long before Regina burst into laughter. "Not the talker, huh? That's fine - I was like that when I first came here. You'll get used to it though."

  "Hey Regina! I heard you got the new kid. How unlucky huh? Oh... hi." A girl peeked from the open door, leaving as soon as she came.

  "Sorry about her. People like talking to me because my mom's the principal." Regina said. "It gets kind of annoying, really. I've never made a lot of 'real' friends while I was here."


  "Where are you from? I'm from the Province of Light." Regina asked. "It's super hot in the summer though. I sure wish I could move to the mountains instead."

  "I'm f-from the P-Province of Wind. I-It's pretty c-cold there, but I-I'm used to it." I replied.

  "I could use some of that." She said. "Maybe I should visit your province in the summer."

As soon as it was silent again, I tried to start something before it got awkward. "A-Anyways, I don't mind if you take the top b-bunk, I actually p-prefer the bottom bunk." I said.

  "Okay, I was just about to ask you about that." She laughed. "Would you mind if I shower first? The train ride from the Province of Light was super long and I'm really tired."

  "N-No, you can go first." I replied, continuing to unpack my things.

  I guess she wouldn't mind if I used the desk over here. I walked towards one of the two nearby desks. Walking past the bathroom door, which was slightly open, I caught a glimpse of red hair on the floor.

  Could something have gone wrong already? "Regina, are you al-" I started, stopping as soon as I realized that the red hair on the floor was a wig. Wearing Regina's clothes, standing was a boy who resembled her.

  "Y-You're a-"

  "Shh!" He silenced me. "Don't blow my cover now when we just met! I'll explain later, just calm down." I shut the door behind me. "Regina" walked out of the bathroom without his wig when he finished.

  "S-So, w-who exactly a-are you?" I asked, nervous.

  "I'm Raynor Thunderthorne, the first son of our family. I wasn't as interested in black magic, instead, I was more fascinated with white magic. So I cross-dressed as a girl to study here." Raynor explained. "I play a pretty convincing girl, if I do say so myself. No one found out till now."

  "O-Oh, I g-guess that d-does make s-sense." I said. "I-I'm so-sorry th-that I k-keep stammering, I-I'm not used to ta-talking to b-boys." 

  "It's fine, I never really had conversations with girls either." He replied. "Plus, you were already stuttering when we met."

  It was pretty obvious that Noelle was very shy, stammering when she talks. She had long brown hair and wore black rimmed glasses. Behind them were hazel-brown eyes. We both unpacked our things in silence, and it was probably for the best. Noelle was likely still processing the situation, so I guess I shouldn't talk to her so comfortably quite yet.

  That night I slept on the top bunk. Noelle took off her glasses and climbed into her bed. I turned off the lights before climbing up the ladder to my bed.

Noelle wasn't like any of the other girls. Judging by her speech, she might have not even wanted to talk to me, yet she still had made an effort to say something. She just wanted to be my friend, not because many students knew me. She didn't care if I was the son of the principal. She didn't care if I was a boy.

A friend, huh?


I first wrote this story in like May 2016 and I'm just starting to edit it now?? (December 2017) Honestly though, this was a VERY cringey story, I'm probably going to spend most of Christmas break re-writing a few parts to make it less cringey, I guess. I honestly don't think I can un-cringe this story because a lot of the cringey parts are kinda sorta important to the plot ahaha

(June 2018) EDIT: Each time I re-read this chapter I always end up editing it somehow. I'm not entirely satisfied with this chapter, but eh I'm too lazy to rewrite it :/


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