Chapter 15: Rivals

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The photo above is Eric.
  "Noelle, you will be training every Friday after school." Principal Thunderthorne said. "This will be your trainer, Eric Zedler."

  "A-A b-boy?" I stammered, scared.

  "He's my friend." Raynor said. "He's been homeschooled, so he doesn't go to the Academy of Masterminds."


  "He also has the power to purify, so you can learn from him." She said. "Well, I'll leave the training to you two. I have some work to take care of."

  "Okay. Let's get started." He said. "I'm Eric Zedler, you are?"

  "Noelina Castilla. Most people call me Noelle." I said.

  "You're from the Castilla family?!"

  "You didn't know? I thought Mrs. Thunderthorne told you." I said.

  "She just told me I'd be teaching someone purification, she didn't tell me exactly who that person would be." He said. "I guess that explains why you've gotten the power of purification at thirteen."

  "It was kind of unexpected. I didn't know that I'd gain a new power." I said.

  "But the thing is, that's why you fainted. It's because you're only thirteen. Most people don't get it until they're fourteen or fifteen, when their body's strong enough to handle powerful magic." He said.

  "So, first thing is, learning harder spells. You need to learn harder spells first before attempting to do purification or else you're gonna faint again." He said. "Mrs. Thunderthorne told me that you are already capable of casting the shaping spell. Impressive."

  "Funny how she told all of that but she forgot to mention my name." I said.

  He chucked. "I guess she wanted me to find out myself that you're from the Castilla family."

  Eric trained Noelle by teaching her how use the shaping spell to create larger things. However, she had not accomplished that very well so her energy would drain out easily and they would have to stop to recharge. He taught her a few techniques on how to cast spells.

  "So I hold my staff like this when casting the spell?" Noelle asked.

  "Put your hands closer to the orb. This causes your energy to get to the orb faster since the source of it - your hands - are closer to where you're sending it to. This lets you perform the spell faster." Eric explained. He took Noelle's hands and placed it closer to the orb at the top. She blushed as his larger hands touched her smaller ones. He gripped them tightly. "Make sure you firmly grip your staff, but make sure you relax. This would help you concentrate."

  "G-Got it." By the time she had finished drawing all the glyphs, she had created a slightly deformed cauldron.

  "Finished!" She exclaimed, lying down on the ground.

  "The shape is a bit weird, but it can still be used for brewing potions. I'll give it to you. It's pretty good for a first timer." He said. "That's all for today. You are excused."

  "Thank you!" She ran back to her room. Eric packed up his things and went to the principal's office to discuss where he'd be staying until he finished training Noelle.

  "So this is Noelle?" He asked Raynor. "I see she's figured out your identity."

  "Well, I guess she was smart enough to realize it." Raynor said.

  "And you're living with her? It must be great." Eric said.

  "What do you mean? It's okay. She's just like any other roommate I've had." Raynor said.

  "Seriously?" Eric asked, "That's it? C'mon, she's smart, and is really strong. And on top of that, she really, really cute."

  "C-Cute? So y-you're saying, y-you're already into her?"

  "In the two hours I spent with her today, she's was amazing. I think I fell in love with her at first sight."


  "Yeah." Eric replied, his face getting slightly pink. "Is she dating anyone?"


  "So you wouldn't mind if I'd ask her out?" He said.

  "You do realize you've just met her, right? It would be weird asking her out right off the bat." Raynor reminded him, feeling uneasy.

  "Maybe not now, but someday." Eric said. "You wouldn't mind, would you?"

  "N-No, I guess not." Raynor answered. His inner conscience beat him for what he just said.

  'It's too late. She's not with anyone right now. I can't take her right to be with someone else.'

  'One day, I'll get her back.'

  'One day.'

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