Chapter 3: A Tragedy and a Shocking Discovery

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The photo above is Melody.

  It was a regular day today. It was already the second week of school, and I'm adjusting pretty well. Well, not really. Since a lot of girls hated the fact that I hung out with "Regina" all the time, a lot of them just decided to be rude. They push me around the hallways, purposely bump into me or hit me, gossip about me, and in general, just trying to keep Raynor away from me. I just think it's bizarre that they do this, but I'm getting used to it. Is that a good thing? I don't really know.

  We were writing a test in History class. It was quiet in the classroom, that is, until the principal walked in. She whispered something to our teacher, the teacher gasping at her words.

  "May I please speak to Miss Castiel please." Mrs. Thunderthorne said, walking out. Afraid I had already gotten into trouble, I nervously followed her into the hallway.

  "Noelina, I'm afraid I have some news from your family." She said, handing me an envelope. On the envelope, my sister Melody's name was printed on it.

  Melody? Why would she write me a letter? I wondered, opening the envelope.

  "You need to come home, quick! I was extremely shocked to find out about this. I was crying when I wrote this, so I'm sorry about the tears stains on the page. Sis, you will be as shocked as I was when I found out as I tell you this,

  Mom passed."

Shocked, I continued reading.

  "The doctors said she had a heart attack. Since she was a really strong magic user, she's used much more power than an average magic user her age over the years. I was out to buy groceries when it happened, and I found her lying on the ground in the kitchen. The ambulance brought her to the hospital, only to find out that she died on the way.

  Grandmother bought the train ticket I included in the envelope. The funeral is in three days from the day this letter arrives to you. I hope to meet you soon.


  Tears began to form in my eyes. Mom had always been strong, she had barely ever shown signs of weakness. Mrs. Thunderthorne frowned sympathetically.

  "Your grandmother called to say that you'll be excused for one week. I'm sorry for your loss." She said. "Finish this day of school first, and you may pack after classes. The train leaves tomorrow. It would be best to get away from your schoolwork right now."

  I struggled to hold back tears. I didn't dare tell anyone about the situation until after school. When I got back to the room, Raynor asked about what happened.

  "Mom died from a heart attack. I'm going back for the funeral." I explained.

  "Oh," he apologized, looking down. "I'm sorry for asking."

  "It's fine." I said. "Mom was always a strong magic user, but I guess she couldn't hold all that power for long."

  The following day I boarded the train back home. There, I met Melody, who will now be living with grandmother until she studies in the academy.

  The day of the funeral was gloomy. The clouds darkened, and rain fell. I saw mom's face for the last time as she was in the casket, much paler. Everyone was in a low mood. Even Father came to the funeral, and I could see tears rolling down his face. Ever since the divorce, he'd have to admit that he'd missed Mom. Her casket lowered into the ground, and before she was buried everyone threw roses into the large hole. Tears stained my pillow as I went to bed that night.

The next day, grandmother called me, saying she had something to tell me. She was one of class, and etiquette was always important to her. She was also one of the people who had refused to call me by my nickname, saying it was "childish." Father, who stayed for a while to take care of Melody, advised me to dress formally.

  "Good morning, grandmother." I said, bowing. "You wanted to speak to me?"

  "Yes, Noelina." She said. "It is a very long explanation, so I'll tell you the whole story when you're older. For now, I'll get to the main point."

  "What may that be, grandmother?" I asked.

  "Well you see, your mother was my only child in our family. From her childhood, she was taught to always have her manners, and etiquette was mandatory. The last memory you have of this was eight years ago, but since you fell and had a concussion when you were nine years old, you forgot about this. Your mother and I have decided to tell you again when you turned sixteen. But since your mother had passed away, I thought that it'd be best for me to tell you now." She said.

  "What is this you speak of, grandmother?"

  "Our family has been the most powerful magic users not only in the Province of Wind, but in all of the Magic Domain. The secret that we have kept from you is that our family is a family of royalty." She said.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Ever since the Magic Domain was created, the Castilla family was not only the most powerful magic users, but they also ruled the Province of Wind." She said. "Right now, I am the queen of the Province of Wind. Your mother was the princess. But since your mother passed away, and you and your sister are her children... well, I suppose you can already tell what I am about to say next."

  I gasped, realizing what she meant.

  "You don't mean," I asked.

  "Yes, Noelina."

  "You, as well as your sister Melody, are now princesses of the Province of Wind."

  This was some unexpected turn of events right here I wonder what the heck I was thinking when I first wrote this

  Honestly though, I barely made any edits on this chapter. I wish I could have added this part to the story after a few more chapters, but I guess I can't really do that unless you're all willing to read a bunch of boring (mostly dialogue) chapters


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