Chapter 18: On Our Own

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We ran away from the explosion. We didn't know where to go or what to do, all we knew was that we had to run. The four of us ran to the nearby forest.

"Ouch!" I shrieked as I tripped on a branch.

"Noelle!" Raynor called, holding out his hand. I took it and pulled myself up.

We continued running into the forest.

"Do you think they'll find us here?" Emily asked.

"No, we ran in pretty deep into here." I said. My knee started to hurt. I winced.

  "Are you okay?" Raynor asked.

  "I think so. It's not bleeding." I said.

"Okay, we need to make a place to stay in first. We'll try to figure out what just happened." Eric said. "Hey, Noelle, let's use the shaping spell to make a little hut for us to stay in for now."

"What?!" I half-yelled. "You do know that it's gonna be huge, right?"

"It's gonna be a small hut, don't worry about it." He said.

"But it's still a huge thing for us to shape!"

"At least try." He said.

"Okay then, just don't mind it being misshapen." We drew all the glyphs, and a wooden hut appeared.

"Finally!" I yelled, dropping onto the ground.

"Can you also make us some clothes? Raynor can't stay in a skirt forever." Emily said.

"You guys are gonna kill me!" I groaned. "At least try to learn the spell!"

"I'll try." Raynor said.

I tried to teach them the spell, but it turns out I'm not the best explainer. Eric helped me teach them, and they somehow got it right.

"Okay, I'm beat! We're gonna make everything else out of the stuff we find!" I ordered.

We didn't want Noelle and Eric to do all the work with their magic so we split up to find what we could to make a mat to sleep on. I went with Noelle while Emily went with Eric. We found huge weeds that we could use to weave a mat. I didn't really know how to weave, because most of my childhood was fancier compared to this. I looked over at Noelle, who was already weaving the weeds pretty fast.

"You're pretty good at that." I said. "I never really learned how to do it back home."

"Oh, you mean weaving?" She said. "It's pretty easy. Here, I'll show you."

She laid down the weeds in rows.

"First, put them in rows. You might want it to be pretty big because you're gonna sleep on it." She started. "Then, weave the remaining weeds by putting them over and under the weeds in rows. Make sure that the patterns for each weed alternate, so that the mat will be stronger." She demonstrated it slowly. I still didn't quite get it so I missed a few.

"You've gotta be careful, they have to all go over and under each time. This makes it so that it doesn't fall apart. Here, I'll help." She said. She leaned over and took my hands and guided them. She was explaining but I was barely listening. Blood rushed to my face as she held my hands, which are probably sweating right now, in her soft, delicate ones. I could smell her long hair in the as the wind blew. She soon let go of my hands and showed me how it would look like when a row was finished.

"Since the first row started with the weed over, the next row starts with the weed under." She said.

"O-Okay." I replied. I continued to weave the weeds until I finished the mat. We rolled them up and headed back to the hut. I noticed that her knee was bleeding from when she fell down earlier.

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