Chapter 19: Lost

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  I changed my clothes and walked out with my staff, heading to Raynor's secret place to train.

  "Where do you think you're going?" Raynor asked.

  "I said that we'd practice together, right? I'm heading to the river." I said.

  "What I meant to say was, where are you going without me?" He said, holding his staff. I smiled.

  "Let's go then!" We headed to the secret spot I found on the day of the dance.

  "So, what are we gonna practice?"

  "Is there anything in particular you'd want to try?" He asked.

  "Let's try the flying spell!" I suggested.

  "The flying spell?" He asked. "You do know how hard that is, right?"

  "Yup! I already know how to do it, why don't you try?"

  "You do?!" He asked, shocked. "Well, I guess I'd expect that from someone who can already do the shaping spell."

  "First, you have to draw the levitation glyph. After 10 seconds, enough energy would have gathered and then you can point the staff at yourself. Make sure you concentrate, it's hard to lift something as heavy as yourself." I explained.

  "Got it." He lifted himself only a few feet off the ground, but he managed to get the hang of it after practicing.

  "Hey, wanna make it interesting?" He said. He took a piece of bamboo and tied weeds to the end of it.

  "Have you ever wondered how witches fly on brooms? Well, now you can try it." He said. We cast the flying spell on the broom and we both sat on it, flying over the trees, and we could see the whole forest. 

  "It actually worked!" We could also see the remains of the school, and we decided to fly down to it. All was left of it was broken walls, windows, bricks, and furniture.

  "And to think that it was standing just a few days ago." Raynor said. "I wonder if everyone evacuated safely."

  We explored the ruins of the school, walking in the direction of where the principal's office was. We found a note.

  "Looks like they were planning the destruction of this school ever since." I said, reading the note. "We should bring it back to show them."

  We decided to head back to our little hut. We got tired after using the flying spell, so we wandered around the forest, coming back the way we came.

  "Huh? Wasn't our hut right here?" I asked.

  "Hmm, I'm pretty sure it was." Raynor said.

  "Don't tell me,"

  "We're lost?!"

  "I guess we are." Raynor said.

  "We've gotta find our way back!" I panicked. We continued I look but we never came close. We searched around rivers, open areas and lakes, but no luck.

  The sky was darkening and the sun was setting. The stars began to show, and it was hard for them to see. They could hear many noises of leaves and many other animals.

  "I-It's getting d-dark. W-We've g-gotta f-find the hut s-soon." Noelle stammered.

  "Are you okay? You're shaking."

  "I-I'm scared." She admitted.

  "Don't worry, I'm here. I'll protect you." Raynor said, offering his arm. "Hold on to me, to help you feel less scared."

  Noelle clung onto his arm, still shaking. Raynor could feel his face heating up, but he tried to control it. He couldn't act embarrassed in front of Noelle, especially if he had offered her his arm. They continued to walk through the forest, the only light source they had was the orbs on their staffs.

  "We should probably set up camp here. We can't continue to look of it's this dark." Raynor said.

  They looked for long weeds to weave a mat, like the first day they were on their own. Noelle was shaking so she could barely weave her mat right. Raynor sat next to her.

  "It'll be fine. I'll be here for you." He said.

  She smiled. "Thanks."

  They finished weaving their mats and blankets, putting them next to each other because Noelle was scared of the dark.

"Hey, Noelle." He said.

"Yeah?" She said, turning around. Raynor grabbed her hand, she blushed.

"Don't worry about what could happen to you, I won't let you get hurt."

They both looked into each other's eyes, both turning red, but smiling. They both drifted off to sleep.

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