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Aaron and Aphmau have been dating ever since the convention and they were both happy around each other. Aphmau has been spending a lot more time at Aaron's house and sometimes, stays the night. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan have been feeling ignored, but are happy for Aaron and Aphmau, so they don't say anything.

Across the street, the guys weren't doing much better. Dante and Travis weren't really upset, but they did miss Aphmau coming over. Garroth and Laurance, however, were wrecks. They were the most upset out of everyone else. They were still happy for Aphmau, but seeing them together was torture for them.

They also missed Aphmau coming over. She used to visit all the time and they'd see her everyday, but now, they don't.


Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis were all sitting around the Tv, playing Halo 4. Laurance was owning everyone, as usual, and they were all having a great time.

"You guys are bad at this." Laurance mocked.

"Well, sorry if we don't spend every waking moment of our lives playing video games, Laurance." Dante said and everyone laughed.

"HEY! That's rude. I don't play Halo ALL the time." Laurance said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Are you kidding me?! I always come over here to watch Tv but I CANT because you're playing this." Travis said.

"What? Travis you're never in the house. You're either at your swim meet or trying to flirt with Katelyn." Dante said.

"Not true!" They laughed.

The guys continued playing for another hour or so, until they heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." Garroth said, putting his controller down and getting up.

He walked over to the door and opened it. His eyes widened when he saw who was there.


Author's Note
Hey guys! Hope you all like this new story. I'm still debating whether to write the One-Shot book while writing this one or......I don't know.

This was just the introduction so I'm sorry that it's so short. I'll make the rest of the chapters longer. I promise.

Anyway, hope you guys like the book.

See ya

When I Love Another; A Garmau MyStreet FanficWhere stories live. Discover now