Chapter Nine- Surprise

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Garroth's POV
I woke up the next morning and heard Laurance laughing in the living room. I got up and went out of my room.

I walked into the living room to see Laurance laughing and Dante's face beat red. Travis was there too, but he didn't seem to be paying much attention. I walked over.

"Hey guys." I said and they looked at me.

"Garroth? Can you tell Laurance to stop bugging me?" Dante asked and I smirked.

"What's he bugging you about?" I asked, knowing what it was. Dante blushed again.

"N-Nothing! J-Just tell him to s-stop! P-Please!" Laurance laughed harder.

"And I thought Garroth was the 'Stutter King'." He joked and I shoved him.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Laurance. Quit bugging him about Kawaii~Chan. Come on." I said.

"Ugggg, fiiiiine. I'll bother you later, Dante." He said.

"I guess that's good enough." Dante said.

I rolled my eyes and went to get breakfast and sat on the couch, eating.

"So, how was the carnival?" Travis asked.

"It was fun. A shame you couldn't come, Travis." Laurance said.

"Yeah, but I had a swim meet. So, Garroth. Did anything happen between you and Aph? Laurance and Dante told me you two were alone for a lot of the carnival." I felt my face get red as Laurance and Dante started snickering.

"N-No!" I said. The guys started laughing.

"Oh, suuuure. The cat that I know you got for her, being alone for most of the trip, carrying her home afterwards. Something tells me there's something going on." Laurance teased.

"No. There's n-nothing going on. We're j-just f-friends." I stammered.

"Whatever you say, Garroth." Laurance said.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. I opened the door and saw the girls there, smiling.

"Hey girls." I greeted.

"Hey Garroth." Aphmau said, her beautiful eyes shining in the sunlight.

"Come on in. Oh, by the way. Katelyn? Travis is here. Just a heads up." I warned and she laughed.

"Thanks for the warning, Garroth." She said, walking into the house. I smiled and followed them in.

"Hey guys." Aphmau said, sitting on the couch. I came over and sat next to her.

"Hey. How's life, girls?" Laurance asked, making everyone laugh.

"Life's good. Work's good. Everything's good." Katelyn said.


We just talked about random things for a while before the doorbell rang again. I got up and answered. Vylad and Zane were there. As well as............

"Mom?" I asked, surprised.

"Oh, Gar Gar! It's so good to see you!" She said, giving me a huge hug.

"Hey Mom. What are you doing here?" I asked, as she pulled away from me.

"I just wanted to visit my boys." She said and I smiled.

"Well, why don't you come in?" I said, stepping aside.

Mom, Zane, and Vylad came in and walked into the living room.

"Jeez it's crowded, huh." Vylad said.

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