Writer's Block

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Hey guys, Emily here.

Soooo, I am having a MAJOR case of writer's block. Sorry about that.


Oh my Irene. Everyone run.

No, this is a good idea. Trust me.

So, I started a Minecraft Diaries One-Shot book a little while back. It was one for ALL MCD ships.

Well, I decided that I changed my mind about it and deleted it. Sorry about that.

But, I replaced it with an all Garmau One-Shot book.

I will be working on that book whenever I'm having writer's block, so I don't leave you all without SOMETHING to read.

Im also back from camp if you haven't noticed. It was fun but I miss you guys💖

Anyways, that's about it. Thank you all for your constant support for this book. It really does mean a lot.

I love you all

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