Chapter Six- Hanging Out

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Garroth's POV

I heard Katelyn shout. I sighed and got out of bed and went into the living room.

Travis was against the wall, a red handprint on his face, and Katelyn was practically steaming. You could almost see it coming off her. Her face red with anger.

Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan were trying to hold Katelyn back so she didn't charge at Travis.

"What happened here?" I mumbled, sleepily.

Aphmau looked at me and smiled. My face grew red.

"Travis came in while we were sleeping and-"

"HE TOUCHED MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!" Katelyn interrupted.

I sighed and glared at Travis.

"Really, Travis?" I asked.

"Hey. Don't blame me. The opportunity was there and I had to take it. Besides, I didn't think you'd notice so, no harm done if I did it." Travis said.


"Alright, alright. Let's stop this little war here, okay? You guys will wake up the entire neighborhood if you keep screaming like that."

I turned around and saw Laurance walking over. Dante came out of his room too and came over.

"Yeah, everyone just calm down." Dante said.

I saw Katelyn relax a bit and Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan let her go. Travis went and sat on a chair and the girls sat on the couch.

"I'll go make some breakfast." Laurance said, walking over to the kitchen.

"I'll help you." Katelyn said, following him.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Aphmau. Dante turned on the Tv and sat next to Kawaii~Chan.

"Sorry for waking you guys up with that." Aphmau said, looking at me. I smiled at her.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." I said and she smiled back.

Everyone started talking with each other until Laurance and Katelyn said that breakfast was ready.

We all got a plate and sat in the living room again. I glanced at Aphmau. She was looking at Dante, who was talking at the moment. I nudged her and she looked at me.

"You feeling better?" I asked. She knew I was talking about yesterday. She smiled.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you, Garroth." I smiled back and started listening to Dante.

--------------------/Time Skip/---------------------


I laughed as Aphmau swam over to the side of the pool.

We had come over to the girls' house to hang out in the pool and I had just pushed Aph in. Everyone else was splashing around in the pool. I was just standing at the edge of it, looking down at Aphmau.

"Garroth. It's cold." She whined. I chuckled.

"Here. Let me help you out." I said, reaching my hand towards her.

She gave me a mischievous smile before grabbing my hand and pulling me in.

I resurfaced and saw her laughing. I splashed her.

"I should have saw that coming." I said, smiling.

"Payback." She said, grinning.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her and all of a sudden, someone jumped on me and pushed me under.

I resurfaced again and saw Laurance, smirking. I playfully shoved him. Aphmau giggled.

I smiled. I'd forgotten how fun hanging out with the girls was. They're amazing.

Aphmau's POV
Garroth seemed distracted by something, so I took the opportunity to jump on his back. He wasn't expecting me to do that and we both accidentally fell backwards into the water. We came up again, facing each other and laughed.

"What'd you do that for?" He asked, jokingly, and playfully shoved me. I giggled and shoved him back.

"Dunno. I felt like it." I said, shrugging. He chuckled.

Garroth and I swam over to the side of the pool and got out. I grabbed two towels and threw one at Garroth. He caught it and thanked me. I wrapped the towel around myself and lay down on a beach chair. Garroth came over and lay on the one next to me. I looked at him.

"Want anything to drink?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Uhhh. Just water's fine. Thanks." He said.

I smiled and got up. I went into the kitchen, got two glasses of water, and went back outside. I gave Garroth his water and lay down again.

"Hey. You guys want to watch a movie tonight?" I asked. Garroth looked at me with a scared look on his face.

"Ummm........ Not sure that's a good idea." I laughed.

"We're not going to make you guys watch anything you don't want to this time. I promise. Okay?" He smiled.

"Well if that's the case, then sure." I giggled and stared up at the sky.

----------------/Another Time Skip/---------------

We were halfway through the movie when I started to get tired. I wanted to stay up and watch the rest of the movie. It was one of my favorites. My eyes were starting to get heavy, but I forced them to stay open.

Suddenly, I felt someone wrap their arm around me. I looked next to me and saw Garroth smiling.

"Go to sleep." He whispered to me.

"But I'm not tired." I said, yawning. He chuckled.

"Sure you're not."

He pulled me closer to him. I rested my head against his chest and my eyes started getting even more heavy. I shut them as I moved closer to him.

I don't know why, but I always seem to relax whenever Garroth was around. It's weird. Wonder why?

As I drifted off to sleep, Garroth whispered something that only I could hear.

"Good night, Angel."

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