Chapter Seven- The Carnival

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(A/N) This chapter takes place about a month and a half after the last chapter. Just an FYI

Garroth's POV
"Dante, hurry up!" Laurance yelled.

"I'm coming!" He shouted back.

The guys and I were just about to head over to the girls' house. We'd gotten tickets for the fall carnival and we had 3 extras, so we wanted to bring the girls along.

(A/N) Just in case any of you are wondering, Vylad moved out of the girls' house and now lives in a house on the street.

Dante came out of his room and we left the house. We walked across the street and I knocked on their door.

Aphmau opened it and smiled.

"Hey guys. What's up?" She asked.

"W-well we were wondering i-if you girls wanted t-to come to t-the c-carnival with         u-us?" I asked and she smiled brighter.

"We'd love to! Come in for a sec; I'll go get the girls." She moved away from the door and we came in and sat on the couch. Aphmau went to the foot of the stairs and shouted up.

"Katelyn! Kawaii~Chan! Come down here, please!"

I immediately heard doors opening and footsteps coming down the stairs.

The girls appeared at the foot of the stairs and came over.

"Aphmau, what's up? Oh, hey guys." Katelyn said, just noticing we were there.

"Hey, Lady Katelyn. Hey, Kawaii~Chan." Laurance greeted.

"Laurance! Stop calling me that! It bugs me." Katelyn said to Laurance and he smirked.

"That's why I do it." I heard Aphmau giggle.

"What does Aphmau~Senpai and the guys want?" Kawaii~Chan asked, curiously.

"We were wondering if you girls wanted to come to the carnival with us. We got extra tickets." Dante said and Kawaii~Chan screamed.

"Aaaahhhhh!!!! Kawaii~Chan would LOVE to go to the carnival!!!!"

"Yeah. That sound like fun. I'll go." Katelyn said.

"Well then, lets go." I said, getting up with the rest of the guys.

The girls ran to get their jackets and we all left their house and walked to the carnival.

----------/Time Skip to the Carnival/--------

Aphmau's POV
I LOVE the carnival. Especially at this time of the year. It's so cool!

We arrived and I looked around. It looked so fun. There was a Ferris wheel, roller coasters, snack stands, and a bunch of games.

I really wanted to go on the Ferris wheel. I've always loved them.

"S-So what do you guys want to d-do?" Garroth asked.

I saw Kawaii~Chan looking at a game.

"Oooooooo!!!! Kawaii~Chan wants to play that! Can we go? Pleeeaaase?????" She begged. I heard Katelyn sigh.

"Kawaii~Chan. You always want to play that. Not everyone wants to go with-"

"I'll go." Dante interrupted.

We all stared at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Garroth and Laurance smirking at each other and snickering about something.

"You will? Oh, thank you-thank you-thank you Dante~Kun!!!! Let's go!" Kawaii~Chan grabbed Dante's hand and dragged him over to the game.

I turned around and looked at the guys. They were trying not to laugh, but failing at it.

"What's so funny?" I asked them.

They looked at each other, then back at me.

"Umm, don't know if we should really tell." Garroth said.

"Yeah. That's really something Dante should tell people." Laurance added.

"Wow, I'm surprised. I really thought you two would just tell us, outright." Katelyn said, jokingly.

"Hey! No, we'd never!" Garroth said, smiling.

"Yeah! We respect other people's privacy." Laurance said.

Garroth looked at Laurance with a face that said he didn't believe him.

"Alright fine. I've had my moments." Garroth smirked.


"Well, are we just going to stand here and talk? Come on! Let's go have fun!" I said, grabbing Garroth's wrist and dragging him with me. Katelyn and Laurance followed.

----------------/Another Time Skip. Blame the writer's block. Not my fault/------------

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I turned around. Garroth was there with his hands behind his back and smiling.

"What's up, Garroth?" I asked.

He brought his hands around and he was holding a stuffed purple kitty. It looked sooo cute!!!!

He gave it to me and I hugged it.

"Awwww! Garroth. That's so sweet of you. Thank you." I said, giving him a hug.

"Heh, no problem. I know how much you like cats and the color purple so I thought it was perfect for you." He said as I pulled away.

I smiled and grabbed his hand with my free hand.

"Come on. Let's go get something to eat. In starving." I said and I saw his face get red.

"U-Uh, s-sure." He said. I giggled and we walked over to the food stands.

We sat down at a table and started eating lunch and talking.

We were having a great time, but we soon got up to go walk around more.

We were talking and holding hands again, until I spotted a very familiar face step in front of us. His black eyes full of anger.

We stopped talking and looked at him.

"Are you two on a date?" Aaron asked.

Author's Note
Oooohhh. Cliffhanger. Aaron saw them at a carnival holding hands. Wonder how this will turn out.

Also, if any of you are wondering about where the others are, I wanted to get Aphmau and Garroth alone for a while so you can make up your own stories for that. Have fun and don't get too crazy. This is a CLEAN fanfic, okay?

Sooo, schools almost over. YES!!!! That means no homework AND more time to write my books. AWESOME!!!!!

Thank you all for your support on this book. It really means a lot. I was really worried when I started writing on Wattpad but now I'm glad I did. This makes me happy. Thank you all soo much.

I love you all

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