Warning/ Please Read

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Please read what is up top and if you can't, then I'll write it here.

*"I've just received news from @DaisySlays that a website named 4chan is going to hack WattPad. 4chan is a website that makes people suicidal and hurt themselves. Please tell everyone about this situation. I'm asking my friends about this. I'm trying my best friend to contact with people who have tons of followers. If you guys are writers please, please, PLEASE write a chapter about this situation. 4chan is going to probably post inappropriate chapters. And if they put swears in it. Then it isn't me. Please try to help the situation. And please be careful."

*I don't know if this is still happening or if it's real or not; but better safe than sorry.

*Please remember that I post CLEAN chapters/fanfics and that I don't swear so if you see something in one of my chapters that doesn't look like something I would write, PLEASE let me know.

*Please spread the word just in case.

*And please be careful. The Internet is a scary and weird place

*Thank you

When I Love Another; A Garmau MyStreet FanficWhere stories live. Discover now